Trailblazing for Christ - Janice Wolfe

Trailblazing according to the online Merriam Webster dictionary is defined as making or pointing a new way!

When I look at the lives of the 3 women mentioned in Hebrews 11, I see trailblazers. Women

who faced fearful, uncertain circumstances and yet, they chose faith over fear. They chose to

blaze a trail of faith into the unknown territory of fear and uncertainty.

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By the River's Brink - Cathy Sandiford

Lately, I have been thinking about Jochebed, the mother of Moses. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about her. Just like all mothers, surely, she had a dream for how she would raise her children. She didn’t have an easy life, but she had a little family and ways of loving and training her children for the Lord. I wonder, did she plan in detail how she would raise them and teach them about the Lord and life. Was she preparing them to have the right attitude about their suffering? Did she have a plan to try to ease their hurts as they grew that would bring them closer to God so they wouldn’t stray away from him in bitterness?

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An Open Hand- Christi Davis

“The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” These were the words that spilled from my lips at what many would say was one of the worst moments of my life. These words came out, not because I am “Super Christian,” but because of a biblical principle that my mom taught me in Jr. Church and lived before me from the time I was young.

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Help! Identity Crisis- Linda Gangemella

Then one day in December, 2016, at the age of 55, my beloved pastor husband died of cancer. The ministry job of being a pastor's wife which I had been almost my entire life suddenly ended. A pastor's/missionary's widow loses not only her husband, but the only pastor she has known for years, her title, her ministry, most likely her church, and often herself.

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He Sees YOU- Laurie Billings

He doesn't get mad because we are human, weak and fallible. He sees our weaknesses and loves us despite it. What I've learned is He actually shows Himself so much more during those moments with such a tender love. I had a night where I was crying and literally having some chest pains as I thought about our situation. I guess you could call it anxiety. This is something that I had never experienced before. It was scary. More than that I was pretty broken and feeling hopeless.

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