Posts tagged friendship
Love Your Friends! - Sharon Smail

Have you ever really pondered what a true biblical friendship is?  Having the right…or wrong kind of friends will make such an impact on your life, either for good or bad. How many times have we told others to be wise and careful in choosing the right friends, realizing the impact it will have on them, but ignore this wisdom for ourselves. 

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Help! Identity Crisis- Linda Gangemella

Then one day in December, 2016, at the age of 55, my beloved pastor husband died of cancer. The ministry job of being a pastor's wife which I had been almost my entire life suddenly ended. A pastor's/missionary's widow loses not only her husband, but the only pastor she has known for years, her title, her ministry, most likely her church, and often herself.

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Friends Are the Best Gifts- Vicky Mutchler

If you live long enough, the best friends of your life were also those who found a way to be with you during tough times. How many stories would you have of friends who drove hundreds of miles to be with you, who jumped on an airplane to stand by your side, or those who canceled appointments to join you? The details differ, but one thing is certain about faithful friends; they don't stop with a phone call, letter, or an e-mail. They find a way to be there.

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