Posts in Peace of God
Trust and Obey - Alisha Becker

That 4th verse just sticks out to me so much and it is just so convincing! Until we give our ALL to God, we will never be able to see the joy that He can bestow or the favor that He shows because it is only for those who Trust and Obey Him!  

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This One Thing - Laurie Billings

In this most precious relationship, God is gently and continually helping me to untangle the mental weights I’ve picked up through my life and anchor my heart and mind in a healthier perspective on this “one thing.” Choosing that good part is often easy; following through is where we often fail. Here are a few areas I see women struggle and give up on their “one thing.”.

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Take Off the Fat! - Harmony Barney

Recently, I was reading in my personal devotions in the book of Leviticus. Now, I don’t know about you, but Leviticus is a hard book of the Bible for me to read. I prayed and told God, “Lord, You wrote Leviticus. You know what’s in there. 😅 You know that it can be hard for me to focus on this passage of Scripture. Please help me to learn something today. Amen.”

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A Good Shepherd - Liberty Baker

I had been preparing for a few weeks for a Sunday School lesson for our monthly split adult class, and I just didn’t feel at peace with what I was working on. It usually takes me awhile to get it down in an organized manner. A different topic came to mind, and I had to trust the Lord to help me, but the information just poured out in a perfectly outlined format. That is very unusual for me! Not only was it very well organized, but it was also ready before I had a busy weekend visiting with family and making last-minute unexpected adjustments to my home. He knew I needed some help being ready for everything on time! 

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Finding Strength Through the Tough Times - Peggy Adamson

Tough times can be many different things: health issues, money problems,  relationship problems, and marital problems. All of these problems can leave us overwhelmed! What do we do when we have one of  these problems? Do we try and solve them ourselves? Usually if we do, we only make them worse. We need to go to the best problem solver we have, our Lord Jesus! 

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One Decision - Celeste Woodard

However, what do you do when in the blink of any eye, our Pastor dies? All that is familiar is gone! Your  husband’s close companion gone. A thirty-three-year friendship and co-laborer gone. My children’s lifetime  mentor, prayer warrior, and encourager gone. All the blessings and direction our church has received because of this one Godly man, GONE! 

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Just Peachy - Mandy Winkle

One of my favorite possessions is my little peach tree in my back yard. Some of you, who know me, are nodding your heads up and down and smiling, as you have an extensive collection of pictures that I have sent you of my tree as it has grown over the years.  Proud mammas always share pictures of their babies!  My oldest son took special interest in my little tree.  He helped me pick out the best spot to plant it, helped me dig the hole, and dutifully read the instructions tag about how to care for the tree. He even volunteered to water it every day for me.  

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Validation - Crystal Teague

Man’s opinions of what is acceptable have changed. The world once validated a women who was the keeper of the home, had moral purity, and upheld other things that Christians also valued. The world tells us we need to be one way while the word of God tells us to be another way. This is true from our gender to our demeanor. The opinions of man change, laws of what is acceptable change, and what is expected of people change. That's why I must have validation from the Lord.

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Is Your Brain Buzzing? - Candace Wessberg

Guess what happened all week?  Tons of flies rested on our screen door just waiting for it to open and shut.  Unless we made an exit at lightning speed, the flies just zoomed in.  One evening at bedtime, an incredible number of buzzing, black flies had accumulated inside the RV! They were on the ceiling, the furniture, and everywhere!  I was not going to sleep with them inside, so we got out the vacuum cleaner!   Using the hose, we turned the situation into a game and began counting. We sucked up almost 100 flies!!!

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Balancing Your Crazy Life - D Ann Webb

THE MAIN INGREDIENT - Colossians 1:16–17, For by him were all things created, that are in  heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or  principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all  things, and by him all things consist. 

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Beauty in Action - Amy Sapp

A woman with HOPE is not afraid, because she knows God personally. She isn't afraid of the path that the Lord has called her to walk. She knows how to let go of her past hurts, forgive fully, and look forward to her future. She doesn't allow trials, struggles, and hardships get her bitter but better and stronger. She learns from her mistakes and is accountable for her actions.

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Let's Spring Clean - Stephanie Way

Just as we need to clean our homes, we need to keep our “temples” clean! The Bible says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19.

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In Your Season of Waiting - Katelyn Tyler

I remember the days as a teenager when my friends and I would be dreaming of our someday prince charmings and pinterest weddings. I remember feeling as if my prince would never come. I thought I would never get to do all the fun wedding things. People would always tell me “Katelyn just wait on the Lord”. I remember thinking to myself “Okay once I get married I’ll never have to wait on the Lord again”. I laugh at myself now because boy was I wrong. If we really think about it. We are all in some kind of season of waiting right now. You may be waiting for the Lord to bring you a spouse, waiting to find that perfect home for you and your family, waiting for a ministry opportunity you feel called to, waiting for God to give you children, or waiting for your loved one to be healed from a disease. These are just a few things you could be waiting on.  These are all things I have personally had to wait on.

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