Posts in Encouragement
Two Commandments - Laurel Bobbitt

Have you ever felt overwhelmed in the Christian life? I’ve been there often! It feels like

there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all the tasks that have to be done.

Sometimes I look at my own life and “to-do” list and feel like it is just too much to handle. It is

then that I need this truth found in Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the

Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and

great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

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White as Snow - Lori Benefield

There is one thing that is different. The snow melts and we see the dirty, messy ground again. But the blood of Jesus that washes away our sin will never go away. It's there to stay. And every time God looks at a Christian's heart, he no longer sees the dirtiness, he sees a heart that has been washed as white as the snow. I thank God that he has took my black heart

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Trust and Obey - Alisha Becker

That 4th verse just sticks out to me so much and it is just so convincing! Until we give our ALL to God, we will never be able to see the joy that He can bestow or the favor that He shows because it is only for those who Trust and Obey Him!  

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This One Thing - Laurie Billings

In this most precious relationship, God is gently and continually helping me to untangle the mental weights I’ve picked up through my life and anchor my heart and mind in a healthier perspective on this “one thing.” Choosing that good part is often easy; following through is where we often fail. Here are a few areas I see women struggle and give up on their “one thing.”.

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Take Off the Fat! - Harmony Barney

Recently, I was reading in my personal devotions in the book of Leviticus. Now, I don’t know about you, but Leviticus is a hard book of the Bible for me to read. I prayed and told God, “Lord, You wrote Leviticus. You know what’s in there. 😅 You know that it can be hard for me to focus on this passage of Scripture. Please help me to learn something today. Amen.”

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Thanksgiving Thoughts - Susie Ballard

Ain’t God good to give us so many blessings, undeserving that’s what we are! We ought to thank Him, love and praise Him, evermore today, and a whole lot more tomorrow! If you know that song, I’m sure you just sang it! I pray you have a blessed time with family and friends, wherever you spend your day! Have a happy thanksgiving!

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A Good Shepherd - Liberty Baker

I had been preparing for a few weeks for a Sunday School lesson for our monthly split adult class, and I just didn’t feel at peace with what I was working on. It usually takes me awhile to get it down in an organized manner. A different topic came to mind, and I had to trust the Lord to help me, but the information just poured out in a perfectly outlined format. That is very unusual for me! Not only was it very well organized, but it was also ready before I had a busy weekend visiting with family and making last-minute unexpected adjustments to my home. He knew I needed some help being ready for everything on time! 

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Mirror, Mirror... - Hannah Hon

Jewel’s pace quickened as their excitement could be seen from miles away. Her parents guided her into the house and up to her room. In the corner they had placed a beautiful wooden mirror, The Mirror of Authority. The gift was beautiful with its carved edges and clear, clean glass; but as she stepped in front of the mirror she was confused. What were these lines on her new mirror? Why had her parents drawn them?

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Perspective.... it's a Choice - Robyn Bachman

Perspective by definition is the state of one's ideas; the facts known to one, etc; the faculty of seeing all the relevant data; a mental view or prospect.  All of us have a perspective in we choose to view the happenings in our lives; what we choose to believe as fact based on evidence; and the way we look at everything around us in general. 

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Finding Strength Through the Tough Times - Peggy Adamson

Tough times can be many different things: health issues, money problems,  relationship problems, and marital problems. All of these problems can leave us overwhelmed! What do we do when we have one of  these problems? Do we try and solve them ourselves? Usually if we do, we only make them worse. We need to go to the best problem solver we have, our Lord Jesus! 

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Give Yourself the Same Grace God Gives You - Molly Audiss

Recently, my family and I were at Cracker Barrel, a restaurant that I love, and we were talking  about some old memories from years gone by. Some pictures had come up on my Facebook page from when my kids were little. This caused us to talk about old times, and in the  conversation, my sons started telling us some funny stories, which involved some of the rules  that I had when they were little. And looking back, fifteen-plus years later, I can laugh and say I  did have some funny rules for my kids, especially my oldest. 

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How to Find Joy Being In the center of God’s Will - Beverly Yancey
  1. Be willing to let go of what could have been. My dad gave up a job where he could have been making more money and we would have definitely lived a comfortable lifestyle but that was not God’s plan and I’m so thankful God had a different plan. God has blessed our family so much!

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One Decision - Celeste Woodard

However, what do you do when in the blink of any eye, our Pastor dies? All that is familiar is gone! Your  husband’s close companion gone. A thirty-three-year friendship and co-laborer gone. My children’s lifetime  mentor, prayer warrior, and encourager gone. All the blessings and direction our church has received because of this one Godly man, GONE! 

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Eternity - Heather Wynn

Eternity’ is one of the most impactful words in the Bible and the most interesting thing is that It is only mentioned once in the entire Word of God. My husband wrote a tract with the emphasis on the word ‘Eternity’ and it has been an extremely influential tract. I would like to share a recent story of this thought behind the word ‘Eternity’. 

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