Trailblazing for Christ - Janice Wolfe

Trailblazing, according to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as “making or pointing a new way!”

When I look at the lives of the three women mentioned in Hebrews 11, I see trailblazers.

Women who faced fearful, uncertain circumstances, and yet they chose faith over fear. They chose to blaze a trail of faith into the unknown territory of fear and uncertainty.

Bob Proctor, motivational speaker and author, said, “Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose!” And it is just that, a matter of choice.

Sarah was a trailblazer. No one her age was giving birth to children. She was so stunned when her pregnancy was announced, she laughed. It was truly a LOL moment. Her skeptical laughter was turned into a joyful, contagious laughter of praise (Genesis 21:6)! So much so, Abraham named the child Isaac, which literally means laughter

​According to Hebrews, Sarah received strength to conceive and deliver a child in her old age because she believed God was faithful. When our strength seems gone, when our flesh is weak, we are tempted to get comfortable, sit around and wait till the end! Like Sarah, we can tap into the strength of our faithful God. We can plant seed and produce fruit in our latter years.

We can blaze a trail for others to believe that God is faithful to keep His promises till the end.

I think of my friend Susan. She and her husband surrendered their lives to the mission field in their forties. After serving on foreign soil for twenty years, they “retired.” Yet, I watch her serve alongside her husband each week at FaithWay Baptist Church: soulwinning, discipling Christians, hosting new converts in their home, teaching and so much more! It’s a very fruitful retirement, to say the least. :)

Jochebed was a trailblazer. Her name is not even mentioned in Hebrews, but her acts of faith are. She did not fear the king’s commandment. In fact she obeyed the command and placed her three-month-old baby in the Nile River! In an ark . . . an ark to protect her child as Noah had made an ark to protect his family. While everyone was casting their little boys into the Nile River out of fear of Pharaoh, by faith Jochebed constructed an ark of safety around her child. She blazed a trail that eventually led to freedom for generations to come.

I think of my friend, Catie, who is a trailblazer today. She is expecting a precious little girl in October who was diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome/Trisomy 18. Being told their daughter will most likely live only a few hours, an abortion was strongly recommended early in the pregnancy.

Rather than giving up, taking death and life into their own hands, Catie and her family are on a journey to do everything they can for their unborn child. They are literally blazing a trail for others for generations to come who will receive the same kind of prognosis.

Rahab was a trailblazer. By faith, she blazed a new way for herself and her family! Talk about a new life!! It is never too late for someone to receive Christ and blaze a new trail! Our sin is never too great for God to forgive. The place we are in is not out of the reach of the saving hand of God. Our life is never too far gone for God to redeem in the most amazing way.

There were many in Jericho who perished the day the walls came tumbling down, but not Rajah. Not Rahab’s family. They were rescued, they were given a fresh start in every way!

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17)

I think of many new converts in my church who are blazing new trails by faith. I think of those who have pointed them to this “new” life in Christ by sharing the Gospel with them. What a joy to watch as old things pass away and all things become new. I can think of no greater joy than to be a trailblazer for Christ.

Trailblazers go where others fear to go. Trailblazers consider those who come behind them.

Trailblazers for Christ trust in the strength and promises of a faithful God. They choose faith over fear.

Happy trailblazing to you!