Posts tagged children
They are Leaving, What Do I Do Now? - Sharon Monzo

Parts of me want to scream and say No! You can't leave me, but then God reminds me she has a whole life that she needs to live. I think, what if something happens to her, but then God reminds me, nothing happens without his approval, and He loves her more than I do. I think what if people are mean to her, but then God reminds me, they WILL be mean to her! There will be people all throughout her life that will be mean to her, They were mean to the nicest person to walk this earth! (Jesus) but He will comfort her and get her through it all. I think, but I will miss her, but then God reminds me, she was never mine to keep! I think, did I prepare her enough, but then God reminds me, you've done all that you can, it's between Me and her now. I think, then what should i do, but then God reminds me just pray for her and trust Me! So, that's what I'm doing! When I start to worry or get sad about my daughters all growing up and hitting these new chapters in their lives, I will just stay focused on the Lord and remember all the things God reminds me of!

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Lessons Learned in Homeschooling - Charity Graber

.I grew up being homeschooled and so did my husband. So when it came to schooling our own children there was no other option for us but to homeschool. I am going on my 10th year of homeschooling and let me share with you my heart. Ladies, I am still learning how this thing works. Last school year many of you were thrust into homeschooling and are looking at doing it again this next school year. I just wanted to maybe give you a little wisdom that I have learned through homeschooling my kids.

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