He Careth for YOU!- Charity Graber

2 Chronicles 16:12 “And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great : yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians."

In 2017, I was diagnosed with a fructose intolerance. This was found out after many many months of doctor visits, tests, and extensive blood work, scopes and ultrasounds. Every single day I would wake up not knowing what was wrong with me and what foods I would eat that would set me on the path of feeling miserable and tired. Being a stay at home mom of 4 wonderful children required all the strength I could give every day. But during this time of stress and anxiety, I learned to rely on God like no other. In the verse above we see that King Asa had a disease in his feet and instead of going to the Lord for help, he chose physicians. Please don't get me wrong, because I love living in modern times and having modern medicine, but when was the last time we just went before the Lord with our physical problems. Or prayed that God would give our doctors wisdom in diagnosing our issues. I went 6 months to many doctors and they could not find what was wrong with me. I had to learn to get in my Bible and learn to give my everything to God and trust Him that He knows what is best for me. I wonder if the outcome of King Asa would have been different if he had gone to the Lord instead of His physicians. Let's begin today to take our eyes off our physical problems and turn to the Great Physician to give us peace and strength to face the good days and the bad. 1 Peter 5:7- Casting all your care upon Him: for He careth for you. The bodies we have been given from the Lord, are tools that we can use to proclaim His goodness. My friend ,whatever physical health problems you are facing today, whether you or a loved one, give it to the Lord and allow Him to work through you to bring peace and healing. And praise Him for modern medicine!