Posts tagged trials
An Open Hand- Christi Davis

“The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” These were the words that spilled from my lips at what many would say was one of the worst moments of my life. These words came out, not because I am “Super Christian,” but because of a biblical principle that my mom taught me in Jr. Church and lived before me from the time I was young.

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Frozen Storm- Tasha Fowler

I open my Bible and read my own notes surrounding other Psalms and laugh at how lame I am, in the top left corner it reads "check yourself before you wreck yourself" and on the right middle it says "think of the ship in the movie frozen on the waves in the storm" Like really... that's the best reference I could relate to? I should write a stinking commentary.

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Increasing Strength- Natasha Wainscott

Strength comes from hard work. There’s just no way around it. If you want to be strong, you must exert energy and stress on those muscles in order for them to get stronger. The same holds true for our spiritual life. We must exercise our spiritual muscles in order to be spiritually strong. The problem lies within the fact that most of us hate exercise—physical and spiritual. I hate to sweat. I think it’s gross.

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Tiffany Mooretrials