When I was younger, I thought it was only “old people” that talked about birds. My grandma knew most every species and their calls – the chirp of a sparrow, the whistle of a robin, the coo of a dove, the squawk of a goose. And when she heard their calls, her eyes would light up as she described them to me. At the time, I didn’t pay much attention, assuming that when I was “old” I would appreciate it more.
Read MoreGod often times has put people in my life that were faithful to God and gave me good
advice and were a great blessing in my life.
Read MoreIn this most precious relationship, God is gently and continually helping me to untangle the mental weights I’ve picked up through my life and anchor my heart and mind in a healthier perspective on this “one thing.” Choosing that good part is often easy; following through is where we often fail. Here are a few areas I see women struggle and give up on their “one thing.”.
Read MoreHow much time do I take to spiritually prepare? Oh, not specifically for the day we celebrate our Saviour's birth. But how much time do I take to prepare my heart to read God's word... to go to church... to listening to Sunday school... to listening to a message from the Lord in the way of preaching... to go soul-winning? Preparing on purpose!
Read MoreOf all of the reasons we hesitate to go “all in” with the Lord, I think the story of the Woman at the Well is the biggest reason. She couldn’t understand why HE as a Jew would even think about asking her as a Samaritan for water! Did He even know who she was? Of course, He did! He is Jesus.
Read MoreI saved the best for last— the reproofs of life. Thank the Lord for His love and mercy in our lives every day. He loves us so much that He is willing to correct us. Proverbs 3:11 says, “My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:” and Proverbs 15:10 says, “Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.”.
Read MoreThe place in our homes where family and friends love to gather. Through the the centuries the style of the kitchen has changed but the one furnishing of the kitchen that has remained constant is the TABLE . The importance of the table is mentioned in Exodus when God said the table of shewbread was to be a remembrance of how He always provided and protected His people.
Read MoreI am speaking of that “secret place” in our heart that we don’t even want to go to. In the song ‘The Secret Place’ we sing about that place we don’t want anyone to know about. We forget God knows us even better than we know ourselves.
Read MoreJust as we need to clean our homes, we need to keep our “temples” clean! The Bible says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19.
Read MoreBees have a (mostly) good reputation—they work really hard, ensure our veggies and flowers reproduce, and honey bees provide tasty honey. Women are also known for (mostly) being hard workers, ensuring future generations, and we can provide a certain level of sweetness to our homes. However, just like a bee can sting and cause pain, so can we ladies if we do things we shouldn’t.
Read MoreI began to realize that in life it can become easy to turn on “cruise control” and go through life doing our routines without thought of purpose. Dishes need washed, papers stack up, laundry piles need sorted, groceries need bought, family needs cared for, Sunday School lessons need studied, etc…
Read MoreIn order for us to grow in Christ; we need to
G- Get
R- Rid
O- Of Old
W-Ways and put into practice new ways!
Read MoreDid you ever give or receive one of those gifts that were several things all in one? Perhaps you did today. Maybe it was a pocket knife of some sort that also was a screwdriver, nail file, and scissors. If you are a golfer, maybe it was one of those multi-tools with a cleat tightener, stroke counter, brush, and club groove cleaner. Remember the commercials for a kitchen gadget that “dices and slices and makes julienne fries!” with the “But wait! There’s more!”?
Read MoreI know that this is a familiar verse. But if you really look at this verse you will see that God's being near to us requires and action on our part. We have to first draw nigh to God. This can be done in several ways: Prayer, reading God's Word, being faithful to church, just to name a few. It is easy to let the "stuff of life" get in the way of our walk with the Lord and the devil actually prefers it that way. In this story I am about to share with you is my personal experience of the Lord working and convicting me of my walk with Him.
Read MoreThe older I get the more I realize I need His Words in my life. As a teenager, a young Bible college student, and even a young married wife and mom, I read my Bible every day; but I did it more out of “this is what I am supposed to do” rather than “this is what I need.” Oh! There were days when I would run to Him and His Word out of necessity, but more often than not it was what I did out of habit. As our family began to grow and my responsibilities in church grew, I began to go to His Word more out of need, but still I did things in my own strength unfortunately. I knew I needed God in my head, but it had not fully reached my heart.
Read MoreWhen I was younger, I loved the idea of meeting my “prince charming” and falling in LOVE, just like all of the Disney princesses did. I wanted to be somebody’s special ONE, and for them to be mine. Since I have been saved, I would say that I LOVE JESUS. But when I was younger, I would not say that I saw Him as the one to fulfill the longing of my heart. He was more distant / unseen / more like a character in a story.
Read MoreIn the hustle and bustle of life today, it's easy to get caught up in whirlwinds of tasks and responsibilities that constantly demand attention. We find ourselves running from one thing to another, sometimes barely taking a moment to transition properly. However, amidst the chaos and busyness that can easily overtake our lives, there is a timeless truth that our Lord Jesus shared with us, speaking directly from His loving heart: "Come apart and rest a little while."
Read MoreI don’t have to wallow in my imperfections. I trust in His mercy, because He has promised it to those to seek it, with a broken heart. My hero. The valiant defender of my heart. The Rock of my strength. How does He strengthen me spiritually? By being who He is. Lift your voice in praise, thank Him for who He is. Take His Word before Him! He loves and delights when we dare to take Him at His word. Mercy, marvelous mercy. He delights in me. Why? I can never answer that question because I know who I am. I challenge every lady reading this to read 3-5 Psalms a day. Repeat these verses out loud in your prayer time, He will take you to High places. Then, you too will sing and shout and in tearful words in prayer say, Marvelous Mercy! What a God I have! We don’t have to be perfect, just faithful.
Read MoreAnd there’s the gem. Those two little words Trina would use so often in her conversation. MY Jesus. The most important lesson I ever learned from Trina, though I wouldn’t even realize it until YEARS later, was that He needs to be ‘MY’ Jesus. When you speak of your Saviour, it should be personal. The same way you say, ‘My kids’ or ‘My husband’. Possessive. Loving. Is that how you think of Jesus, or do you not really think about that relationship much at all? We all hear quite regularly in preaching that we need to have a relationship with God(Jesus), but do we really think and ponder and try to figure out what that entails? Oh sure, there’s the ‘read your Bible more! Here’s a 1 year plan!’ and don’t you dare misunderstand me, reading your Bible is paramount in a Christians life, but are you just going through the motions of Bible reading so that you can check off a little chart? You’ll be closer to Jesus than if you weren’t reading at all, sure, but would you feel that possessive love? Trina challenged me without even saying it to get that possessive love. To thirst for it. And it’s so funny because, the closer you get the more you want.
Read MoreThis year my plan and I feel the Lord has led me to this… the Pause. To focus on the pause or pauses of life. I want to listen to when the Lord says, “ Pause.” I believe the Lord wants us all to “stop for a minute,” or to “linger” here for a time. He always has a reason. He may have something better for us or He may simply be protecting us from what we can’t see.
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