Posts tagged God's Will
God's Power, Presence, Promise and Peace - MaryBeth Siegwart

There is nothing better for refreshing my soul, uplifting my hurting heart, or encouraging my spirit than being in God’s amazing creation!  God definitely meets me at these special moments.  Because of this, on the anniversary of my husband’s home going, I always plan an outdoor adventure.  Along with that, I  send up a balloon with a tract attached to it.   My husband was a passionate soulwinner and it is a way to honor this important part of his life. 

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Joy - Katy Moffitt

One may read this dark classic and be repulsed and horrified by the frightening duplicity of human nature. But the wise Christian knows that this story has a direct correlation to our own lives as we seek to live joyfully for God.

Paul says it perfectly: For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing.

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do—-Romans 7:18-19.

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Plan A - Robin Ogle

Recently, my thinking was adjusted. MY PLAN, ideas, event, or schedule may have be altered- but I realized it was changed to line up with GOD’S PLAN A. Now when there is a snafu, my heart is joyful and excited that NOW the day is going as HE PLANNED. I can embrace the reconfigurations of my life because my great God is constantly revealing His Plan A. No longer do I drudge through Plan C,D, or E. With thankfulness, contentment and peacea, I choose to dwell on Plan A.

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Infertility - Mylee Restelle

Now, I know there are unforeseen, horrible, and despicable things that can happen to a precious teenage girl that are beyond her control, resulting in a teen pregnancy that is in NO WAY what I am referring to. My heart breaks for girls in situations like that. However, in my story, this was a "let's try it once to see what happens" kind of thing. I'm going to be completely honest with you: these ones always sting a little more than the others. To know that soon their arms will have a wonderful bundle of joy to love, while my arms remain empty, is gut-wrenching.

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Wrestling with God - Marcia Ludwick

Have you ever wrestled with God? I have. The first time I wrestled with God was on a Wednesday night, May 22, 1985. One year and 15 days before, my husband gloriously got saved. As soon as he prayed the sinners’ prayer, he turned to me and said, “Now it’s your turn.” What love, what compassion were in those words! As a new believer, my husband was concerned about my salvation. Oh how we need to be concerned about other lost souls.

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God Knows - Rebecca Graham

I delivered our sweet baby 2 weeks later. So many things raced through my mind as I held that sweet baby. Excitement- the fact that God allowed me to see and hold my precious baby. It was an answer to prayer. Sorrow- missing out on all the special moments. But then, something that stuck out to me the most in that moment.......was trust. God knew! He knew everything that would take place, before it even happened. How amazing is that?!

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