Sowing Seeds of Kindness- Allison Mooney

Hey ladies!!! As we are now into spring/summer how many of you have a garden? I am married to a man who grew up on a farm and we have a garden every year!! I personally don't like taking care of it as it get's so hot in the summer... BUT, I tell my husband, YOU plant it YOU pick it. I'LL fix it!! So it works!!

So as spring was approaching and everyone was buying flowers/plants etc... I picked up a few myself! I decided as a visual lesson I will let one plant sit and the other plant I will care for with sun, water, picking off the dead leaves etc..... and after many weeks the one plant died as the other one bloomed and was sooooo beautiful. well..... that's what I would like to present to you!

Sowing seeds of kindness.....There are over 40 verses in the Bible on kindness so it must mean a lot to the lord for us to obey in this area. Ephesians 4:32 “And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted forgiving one another even as for Christ sake hath forgiven you.” Proverbs 31:26 “She openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness.”


1. Tell someone you are praying for them. (and mean it). People know if you are real or you are just saying something without any feeling. Just like the flower that needs cared for to grow so do we as Christians.

2. Send them a card or flowers for a great job well done. After I lost my mother years ago and on her first anniversary of her death I received a hand written little note that said..." I know today is your mother's anniversary of her going heaven and I want you to know I am thinking of you" That little note meant the world to me at that time. My friend was sowing seeds of kindness. It didn't cost her a dime to send that and it was just what I needed.

3. Make some cookies or brownies for someone who just lost a loved one or a friend.

4. Go see folks in the hospital and (don't stay long). Pray with them and tell them you love them! So many are ill and hurting. Let's see what our kindness can do for someone.

5. Tell someone they look pretty today or that that color is perfect on them!! Give a hug when you do it!! We need to give folks love and care just like the plant needs sunshine, water, caring so do others!!! We don't have to agree with how they may be living or their choices but a real friend will show love and warn them. It takes kindness to do so.

6. You may say..."I never grew up in a home that shows love." Then, make a change!!! The Lord will give you folks to love and care for they are all over our churches. Lonely people are in active churches dealing with heartache. Reach out to them. Colossians 3:12 “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowles of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering”. It is a command to do so. The Lord will bless your life when you do this.

Let's not let a person wither up and die because we did not show them the sun (Son). We did not water them. We did not pick off the bad areas of their life so they can grow new again and thrive.

H.....Hear the situation of problem

E.....Encourage the person

L.....Lift them up

P.....Pray for them!!

Ask the Lord every week to send someone you'll way to help encourage and help grow as a Christians. They are EVERYWHERE!! We need to sloooooow down and LOOK!!! It doesn't cost a dime to give folks life and show then Christ love. For it is FREE!! YOU PLANT THE SEED AND WATCH IT GROW!!