Advice In Action- Debbie Russ

When I was asked to speak at my daughter-in-loves baby shower, I asked the Lord what I could talk about that would help and encourage her as a first time mommy. The following are some things that I was taught, and things that I learned when raising our children:

  • -Seek God’s Wisdom daily. James 1:5

  • -Don’t forget each other. Continue to cultivate your marriage.

  • -Always take the higher road. If one of you feels more strongly in an area, yield to that standard. Don’t try to get the other to come down to your opinion.

  • -Serve the Lord together. Let your children see you serving and enjoying it.

  • -If you disagree about something, your children should not see or hear you arguing.

  • -Your children should see their parents showing affection toward each other. It gives them security that all is well.

  • -Don’t be critical of others. Your children will pick this up.

  • -Teach them to work. Expect it of them.

  • -Always remember that you are the adult. You are the parent. Don’t allow your children to run your home.

  • -Always have good, godly music playing in your home.

  • -You choose who you are going to get advice from. Many people will give their opinions. You choose who you will listen to.

  • -Let them struggle. As babies, toddlers, children, teens. Don’t try to fix everything for them. Struggling makes them stronger.

  • -Trust your husbands judgment.

  • -Make a big deal when daddy gets home.

  • -Give lots of hugs. Show them affection. They will understand the love of God better when they are shown unconditional love by their parents.

  • -Have fun!! Your children will remember the time you spent with them more than the money you spent on them.

Psalm 127:3 - Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.