When There's No Peace- Rebecca Gage

When there’s no peace....

A while back I heard this song and it talks about how we have no peace, when our world is filled with trouble, we can have peace. Not the peace that you get after the kids go to bed (although that’s nice too!), not the peace before a storm rolls in, not the peace that comes as you fall asleep; but deep lasting peace.
Peace so strong that it covers all the noises that wreck our spirit, peace so strong nothing can blow it away, so strong that it is unexplainable, it passeth all understanding. This peace can’t be bought, sold, or exchanged. It can’t be traded. Without this peace we are but little birds, blow asunder in the strong winds, we are like the light feather that spins and falls to the ground. Without this peace we have no joy, no lasting happiness. This world throws its fancies at us telling us to trust its false voice of peace. The life of money, fame, is shown as the ultimate of achievement in today’s voice of peace and satisfaction. Our heart constantly looks for and longs for deep fullness in our lives, something to fill the emptiness and sadness. We all need it!

The One who gives us this peace is waiting with open arms and a ready hug to give us this peace. Jesus Christ is the only One who can give lasting peace, real peace. His peace passeth all understanding . Philippians 4:7 says it will keep you.... keep you! What an amazing promise.

Remember sweet Christian, when you are feeling low and like no one sees or cares, run to Jesus. Run to Him, for He alone gives lasting and full peace.