Posts in Trials
I Thought We Were Friends - Amy Sapp

“I thought we were friends.” / “I thought you loved me.”

The hurt behind those words can overshadow years of life, love, and memories. All the good times fade away when a friendship is betrayed.

Investment, down the drain. Trust destroyed. Love questioned.

Have you been there? / Are you currently there?

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What to do When You are Overwhelmed - Kelly DeMoville

Now don’t get me wrong, I do get depressed; I do struggle at times with frustration; I do wonder why things can’t be easier or why does everything have to be tough sometimes, but I try very hard not to live there. In fact over the last few years, I’ve had many conversations with God about certain things in my life that seem “unfair!” And God has been working on me in this area very much in the last couple of years. One of my very favorite Bible characters is Joseph.

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What Day is it Today? - Jeanne Nichols

These years have not been easy, but I’m so grateful I have had the Lord to guide me as a mom, a wife, a caregiver, and now as a grandma. I have not faced these trials perfectly, and many times God has had to chastise me because of my attitude. However, I am thankful for a patient God who has molded my family and I along the way.

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When You Can't See God - Carrie Roman

Have you ever had a season of life, or a circumstance where you felt like God just wasn’t around? Or maybe you faced a problem that was too big and you felt like you were all alone? Or maybe sin was so dark and present in your life or in the life of a loved one and you struggled to see the hand of God anywhere? If you haven’t ever felt that way, I’m so happy for you. I, on the other hand, have felt all of those things. Was God absent from my life? No way. He was right there, probably closer than I could have ever imagined. But in that darkness, I couldn’t see Him. I want to share with you what I learned in those times.

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Be Carefull for Nothing - Joannie Rodriguez

. KEEP YOUR MIND IN CONTROL… verse 6a – In other words, don’t be too worried or

dedicated to the problem or situation. Paul was reminding us to not worry about

anything. Yes, nothing at all! I know this can be really hard to do, especially when it

involves marital and family problems, sickness, and problems at church which can often

be difficult to ignore. I, myself, have had the tendency to rethink things too much. I put

too much focus on the problem or on the person creating the problem. I often have to

be reminded to not get too emotionally attached to the problem or to someone that I

feel has offended me. We cannot allow these problems or thoughts to take over our

minds and reside deep in our hearts. If we do, we will soon find ourselves having to deal

with the issue of anxiety.

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Keep Your Eyes on the Shoreline - Cheryl Rodriguez

As the 3 of us were out there floating together, we all were holding onto each other’s float. I am not sure if it was because there was no one for miles, or if it was because I had never been to this beach before. Perhaps it was because we had our daughter with us, or because my husband had us all scared of sharks; but I caught myself starting to worry anytime I was facing the ocean instead of the shoreline. When I was facing the shore, I could see our mountain-high pile of beach things, and I would realize we were not far from the shore at all. I was comforted because I knew we were not drifting away. However, when I would turn and face the ocean, my fear would really kick in. I was worried about everything: were we too far out? What if we saw a shark? Would we be able to get back fast enough if something happened? Had we drifted from our spot? It was then that the Lord brought this thought to my mind:

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Combating Satan's Lies - Paula Rimes

“You’re not good enough.” “Are you sure they would even miss you if you were gone?” “God is being unfair to bring this trial into your life.” These, and countless more, are LIES that Satan whispers in our ears. In recent days, I’ve heard from several ladies and teen girls about how Satan is working on their thought life. As I listen, I am reminded of my own personal struggles with Satan whispering in my ear causing me to let my own mind run out of control with worry and fear. Lest we feel like we are alone in this struggle, we can go back to the very beginning of time and see how the Devil works.

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Now Unto Him That is Able - Robin Parton

When I saw my reflection for the first time in the bathroom mirror, out of shock I said, “I feel like a freak.” Immediately the Holy Spirit convicted me that my thinking was wrong, and I knew right then and there I was going to have to spend as little time as possible looking into a physical mirror and as much time as possible looking into the mirror of God’s Word.

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Facts, Feeling, Faith and the Future - Zana Reichen

A young lady came to me upset over a health problem which caused her loss of energy, frequent pain, and feelings of defeat. In addition, she did not have money to take final exams, and she is to have surgery when she returns to her home state this summer. She wanted to feel better, have money for finals, have money for surgery, was fearful of surgery, and wanted to know where money would come from in the fall for school—and wanted all these answers now! I wanted to say, “Whoa! Slow this horse down, woman!” Knowing her health situation, I suspicioned that her particular physical problem was playing a part in her mental and emotional well-being.

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Trusting Through Infertility - Tracy Lankford

“Approximately 1 in 8 couples are affected by infertility in the United States. That’s about 6.7 million people each year who have tr
ouble conceiving.” This shocking statement is from and is echoed over and over again in any google search.
Have you heard the statement “God meant it all for good” ? I find that sometimes, these statements that are meant to bring comfort can bring a feeling of disappointment because what we face as ladies just does not feel like it belongs in the category of “good.” Many times we find ourselves lining up in the category of pain, hurt, brokenness, unfulfilled dreams, or perhaps even anger. God in His wisdom and mercy has given us several examples to learn from, some of which we will look at in the book of Genesis today.

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Secret Garden - Amanda Rasbeary

Soil is the place where these truths develop roots and get the nourishment they need to become the plant intended it to be. This is a crucial part of growth in our life! It may require that we remove some things that are not good for tender plants. Sin is an obvious thing we should move. But what about those things that hold us back? Excuses and bad time management. It requires we add things that our plant needs. We may have to increase our faith, patience, love or longsuffering. But will cost us things time, treasure and talents. You will have to watch for weeds and pests that will kill your Secret Garden.

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Music: Where Is Your Heart? - Sarah Teague

Let’s start with how music affects us physically. Have you ever heard a song that had a fast beat to it? Often we call it a “toe-tapper,” because the fast rhythm makes our body react in a happy, go-lucky way. Here’s a question to ponder: does the music you listen to affect your body in a positive way? If the music you listen to causes your body to react in a worldly manner, is it truly Christ honoring? One of the three aspects of music is the rhythm. Is the rhythm so prominent in the music you listen to that it overwhelms everything else?

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Who Do You Think You Are? - Tina Orosco

The thought of a Christian feeling worthless and unworthy is a lie from no one other than the devil. He’s been a liar from the beginning and he’s trying to stop you from doing God’s will for your life. Resist the devil by putting on the full armor of God.

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Faith Trumps Fear - Virginia Harris

Fear is a very common human emotion. We can be happily going along our way when all of a sudden….Wham! Something happens, or a thought pops up in our mind, or we hear something…and instantly that spirit of fear grips our heart. Although, this is a very common emotion, this spirit is not of the Lord. I pray that these thoughts that have helped me when I am fearful will be a help to you.

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Trust in the Lord - Robin Petty

For a few days, God tried to get me to rest and He tried to give me peace, but I didn't want to accept it. I was heartbroken, angry and I just plain didn't understand what He was doing and why??? Hadn't I prayed almost constantly, plus fasted? Had I not asked many others to pray along with us for the situation? But it still didn't work out the way I wanted it to. To be honest, I still don't understand why things happened the way they did, but I do know there have been some lessons He wants me to learn through this.

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What in the World is Happening - Vicky Pope

Why can we not just rest in that? Do we think we can do a better job of figuring it out on our own? Do we think we can fix the problems better than He can? Or do we just prefer to wallow in our misery and seek pity from others? These are all the Devil’s ploys to keep us from being the peace-filled, powerful, and productive Christians God wants us to be.

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