I saved the best for last— the reproofs of life. Thank the Lord for His love and mercy in our lives every day. He loves us so much that He is willing to correct us. Proverbs 3:11 says, “My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:” and Proverbs 15:10 says, “Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.”.
Read MoreBut today I challenge us to reflect on Mary. We understand she is not to be worshipped or even “put on a pedestal” as an object of attainment, as if to say, “ I wander if I am highly favored and blessed among women”. We would err to exalt her even to that degree in our minds. However, every person ever created in His image, which is all mankind, can be used as ensamples to each of us weather good or bad.
Read More“Approximately 1 in 8 couples are affected by infertility in the United States. That’s about 6.7 million people each year who have tr
ouble conceiving.” This shocking statement is from fertilityanswers.com and is echoed over and over again in any google search.
Have you heard the statement “God meant it all for good” ? I find that sometimes, these statements that are meant to bring comfort can bring a feeling of disappointment because what we face as ladies just does not feel like it belongs in the category of “good.” Many times we find ourselves lining up in the category of pain, hurt, brokenness, unfulfilled dreams, or perhaps even anger. God in His wisdom and mercy has given us several examples to learn from, some of which we will look at in the book of Genesis today.