Posts tagged Hope
Beauty in Action - Amy Sapp

A woman with HOPE is not afraid, because she knows God personally. She isn't afraid of the path that the Lord has called her to walk. She knows how to let go of her past hurts, forgive fully, and look forward to her future. She doesn't allow trials, struggles, and hardships get her bitter but better and stronger. She learns from her mistakes and is accountable for her actions.

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You Better Fix Your Crown - Benita Reffe

However, there are some responsibilities that come with this job. Not to burst your bubble, but a real princess here on earth does not get to lounge around and be pampered all day (though that would be really nice!). Nope, an earthly princess has appointments, school, planned-out schedules, friends that must go through background checks; and above all, they have a reputation to keep. This is a reputation that needs to be protected and clean just like we all have.

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Love Your Bible - Kelly DeMoville

The older I get the more I realize I need His Words in my life. As a teenager, a young Bible college student, and even a young married wife and mom, I read my Bible every day; but I did it more out of “this is what I am supposed to do” rather than “this is what I need.” Oh! There were days when I would run to Him and His Word out of necessity, but more often than not it was what I did out of habit. As our family began to grow and my responsibilities in church grew, I began to go to His Word more out of need, but still I did things in my own strength unfortunately. I knew I needed God in my head, but it had not fully reached my heart. 

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What in the World is Happening - Vicky Pope

Why can we not just rest in that? Do we think we can do a better job of figuring it out on our own? Do we think we can fix the problems better than He can? Or do we just prefer to wallow in our misery and seek pity from others? These are all the Devil’s ploys to keep us from being the peace-filled, powerful, and productive Christians God wants us to be.

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Do You Have Hope? - Christa Lowe

Hope…helps you smile through the trial.

Hope…helps you to keep giving even when it hurts.

Hope…helps you to keep believing that wayward soul will find their way home.

Hope…helps you hold it all together.

Hope…helps you to never stop praying.

Hope…helps you find rest during weary and hard days.

Sometimes it’s hard to hope though.

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Hope - Heather Roloson

There’s an “expected end” to loneliness. I had a friend ask me a while ago if it bothered me that all my friends were dating and I was not. Being honest, sometimes there is that insecurity that says there won’t be an end to this season in my life. Then I remember I have a promise from God. Does that mean I will get married? Not necessarily. But the “thing that I long for”? The things that every human being longs for? Belonging and mattering? Oh yes, my friend, it’s coming. If not in my own family, then in the work that God is preparing me to do.

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