Posts tagged Thankful
Be Carefull for Nothing - Joannie Rodriguez

. KEEP YOUR MIND IN CONTROL… verse 6a – In other words, don’t be too worried or

dedicated to the problem or situation. Paul was reminding us to not worry about

anything. Yes, nothing at all! I know this can be really hard to do, especially when it

involves marital and family problems, sickness, and problems at church which can often

be difficult to ignore. I, myself, have had the tendency to rethink things too much. I put

too much focus on the problem or on the person creating the problem. I often have to

be reminded to not get too emotionally attached to the problem or to someone that I

feel has offended me. We cannot allow these problems or thoughts to take over our

minds and reside deep in our hearts. If we do, we will soon find ourselves having to deal

with the issue of anxiety.

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No Matter What - Hannah Hon

Having a thankful and grateful demeanor is not always an easy thing to maintain, especially in 2020 😊 . While we have many things to be thankful for, we are constantly reminded by the world of all we are “missing”. We begin to focus on the material and temporal, and our immediate needs come to live at the forefront of our minds and hearts. This begins to strip us of our grateful spirit and the peace that comes from giving thanks. But lets be honest, the circumstances we often face are not always easy for our human hearts to find the good in, are they? Finding the parts to complain about is much easier, and friends may even seem to listen more intently when we are going through tragedy. However, if we are not careful, we will find that going to that friend, or creating that social media post with all our woes and heartaches,(serious though they may be), becomes our first line of defense over stopping to take anything to our Savior.

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Thankful Even in the Storm - Jen McMillan

I spent many days pouring out my heart to the Lord. We took the leap of faith to enter this adoption plan and I was hoping the understanding would come as to why he said no. Now I can look back at that storm and see how the Lord grew me. How He used this hard time to show me it was Him that I really needed, not that baby boy. He could be my joy, my comfort, and my strength. It changed my view to asking God what He is wanting to do through me instead of why He is doing this to me.

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Be a Good Steward - Maria Komisky

I've struggled with my weight my entire life! I can remember being overweight at the age of nine. I was teased at school for my weight and my lack of coordination. Throughout my teenage years and as an adult, I eased into a sedentary lifestyle. Combined with my love of food, my lack of physical activity caused my weight to balloon to just over 300 pounds at the age of thirty! My mother passed away at the age of 42 because of her lack of self care and not being a good steward of her temple. However, it still took me almost eleven years after her death to "see the light!"

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The Whole Earth is Full of the Lord - Janelle Dignan

“Look around you, read His story,

All of nature is revealing its Creator

Gaze in wonder, glimpse His glory

Come and behold, come and behold,

See your Maker.

The earth is full of His presence

All of nature, all creation speaks His word.

Every bird, every tree, every breath that we breathe,

Proves He is real, He is here,

He is Lord!!”

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Thankful - Abby Sapp

The alarm clock going off early in the morning,
just means that we get to live another day. The lady that sits behind you in
church and sings way off key just means that you are  able to hear. Clothes
that are getting a little to tight just means that you have plenty of food to fill
your belly. Hearing people complain about the government just means that we
have the freedom of speech. Windows to wash, floors to vacuum and furniture
to dust just means that the Lord has given you a house to live in and He has
provided for you and has given us things that although it's not always fun, need
to be cleaned

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