Posts tagged Fruit
Secret Garden - Amanda Rasbeary

Soil is the place where these truths develop roots and get the nourishment they need to become the plant intended it to be. This is a crucial part of growth in our life! It may require that we remove some things that are not good for tender plants. Sin is an obvious thing we should move. But what about those things that hold us back? Excuses and bad time management. It requires we add things that our plant needs. We may have to increase our faith, patience, love or longsuffering. But will cost us things time, treasure and talents. You will have to watch for weeds and pests that will kill your Secret Garden.

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Living Loved - Kaylin Parrock

When people close to you think of you, do you think they see the fullness of God? When I’m not in my Bible, soaking up His word and allowing Him to dwell in me, I get so focused on feeding the flesh. Sometimes that looks like pride, jealousy, discontentment, bitterness, covetousness.

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