Posts tagged Joy
Having Joy in the Ups and Downs of Life - Joy Sauceda

With a name like Joy, living up to my name has been a life-long challenge. People often ask

how I manage to maintain a positive attitude, and keep a smile on my face. I can assure you, it

can sometimes be quite difficult. It is rather easy to find joy when all is right with the world, and

everything in life is going according to our plan. However, the true challenge is, how can we

hold on to that Joy while navigating through life’s heartaches and stormy waters?

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Joy - Katy Moffitt

One may read this dark classic and be repulsed and horrified by the frightening duplicity of human nature. But the wise Christian knows that this story has a direct correlation to our own lives as we seek to live joyfully for God.

Paul says it perfectly: For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing.

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do—-Romans 7:18-19.

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Stand Fast - Angela Southards

Shouldn't we do the same with the work of the Lord? Do we not need to stand fast and get in good position to serve the Lord? We need to stand fast in traditions, II Thessalonians 2:15 and stand fast in faith, I Corinthians 16:13. We need to be steadfast and unmovable, I Corinthians 15:58. We need to hold fast, hold that form without wavering, Hebrews 10:23. There is a race to be run!

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