Posts tagged Word of God
Be Carefull for Nothing - Joannie Rodriguez

. KEEP YOUR MIND IN CONTROL… verse 6a – In other words, don’t be too worried or

dedicated to the problem or situation. Paul was reminding us to not worry about

anything. Yes, nothing at all! I know this can be really hard to do, especially when it

involves marital and family problems, sickness, and problems at church which can often

be difficult to ignore. I, myself, have had the tendency to rethink things too much. I put

too much focus on the problem or on the person creating the problem. I often have to

be reminded to not get too emotionally attached to the problem or to someone that I

feel has offended me. We cannot allow these problems or thoughts to take over our

minds and reside deep in our hearts. If we do, we will soon find ourselves having to deal

with the issue of anxiety.

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Seasoned With Salt - Missy Cogley

I love salt. I really enjoy it. I love how it makes the flavor of the food become bright and
intensifies it. Salt also makes the food have flavor when there is not much flavor there. Salt
preserves food so that you can enjoy it at a later time. Salt is a mineral that is essential for life in
general and it satisfies one of the basic human tastes. Salt was used in an ancient Hebrew
agreement to seal a covenant with God and they sprinkled their offerings with it to show their
trust in Him. So as you can see salt is important. It is mentioned many times in the word of

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