Posts in Love of God
The Love of My Saviour - Jessica Smallwood

The ocean is one of my most favorite places on earth. The overwhelming enormity of both its sight and sound is always a reflection of the thoughts of my heart, both good and bad. I am always overwhelmed with something. And while on this journey of sanctification, I see-saw between the overwhelming “somethings’ of God’s goodness and my own sinful tendencies.

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God's Power, Presence, Promise and Peace - MaryBeth Siegwart

There is nothing better for refreshing my soul, uplifting my hurting heart, or encouraging my spirit than being in God’s amazing creation!  God definitely meets me at these special moments.  Because of this, on the anniversary of my husband’s home going, I always plan an outdoor adventure.  Along with that, I  send up a balloon with a tract attached to it.   My husband was a passionate soulwinner and it is a way to honor this important part of his life. 

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My Jesus - Nancy Shurilla

And there’s the gem.  Those two little words Trina would use so often in her conversation.  MY Jesus. The most important lesson I ever learned from Trina, though I wouldn’t even realize it until YEARS later, was that He needs to be ‘MY’ Jesus.  When you speak of your Saviour, it should be personal.  The same way you say, ‘My kids’ or ‘My husband’.  Possessive.  Loving.  Is that how you think of Jesus, or do you not really think about that relationship much at all?  We all hear quite regularly in preaching that we need to have a relationship with God(Jesus), but do we really think and ponder and try to figure out what that entails?  Oh sure, there’s the ‘read your Bible more!  Here’s a 1 year plan!’  and don’t you dare misunderstand me, reading your Bible is paramount in a Christians life, but are you just going through the motions of Bible reading so that you can check off a little chart?  You’ll be closer to Jesus than if you weren’t reading at all, sure, but would you feel that possessive love?  Trina challenged me without even saying it to get that possessive love.  To thirst for it.  And it’s so funny because, the closer you get the more you want. 

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Rehearsal Time - Jessica Shipp

We have all heard someone say or have ourselves said something that we don’t intend to act upon. But why would we say something we don’t mean? Most of the time we quickly forget what we said or thought, but what damage have we caused? I have started thinking about this more and have become more aware of it after I heard a phrase in a sermon last year.  The phrase was “don’t rehearse evil.” DON’T REHEARSE EVIL.  You might be thinking it’s not that bad, it’s not evil because they or I didn’t mean it.  If it’s not Phillipians 4:8 worthy it’s evil. If it’s not righteous it’s evil. The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” and in Matthew 12:34b, “…for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” What is in our hearts? God destroyed all of mankind with the Flood because “…every imagination of the THOUGHTS of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5b)  What is in the heart will eventually spill forth to our mouths. “Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.” Psalm 34:13 We need to be on guard for even the tiniest splinter of evil.  How do we keep those thoughts and words of destruction from forming? 

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To Pause 2023 - Stephanie Shipman

This year my plan and I feel the Lord has led me to this… the Pause. To focus on the pause  or pauses of life. I want to listen to when the Lord says, “ Pause.”  I believe the Lord wants us all to “stop for a minute,” or to “linger” here for a time. He always has a reason. He may have something better for us or He may simply be protecting us from what we can’t see. 

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All Wrapped Up and Tied in a Bow - Anne Marie Sanftner

Let’s be real for a minute and please let this question sink into your beautiful soul. Do you feel the need that your life must be all wrapped perfectly and tied up in a perfect bow? Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations? Do you ever feel like the expectations are too? How about an example; do these thoughts or similar ones ever creep up in your head? “Look at that perfect Christmas tree…mine doesn’t look like that.” “That family picture is so beautiful…I wish we could do that so others can see us look that good.” “They always get such amazing Christmas gifts…we can’t afford those but I’ll get them anyway.” “It all has to be perfect…I have to do whatever I can to make it perfect.” I am using Christmas time as an example because I sincerely feel that not-measuring-up can be a dominating feeling during and after the holiday season. 

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I Thought We Were Friends - Amy Sapp

“I thought we were friends.” / “I thought you loved me.”

The hurt behind those words can overshadow years of life, love, and memories. All the good times fade away when a friendship is betrayed.

Investment, down the drain. Trust destroyed. Love questioned.

Have you been there? / Are you currently there?

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The Numbing Process - Denise Roe

According to tradition, when an Eskimo hunts a wolf, the first thing he does is coat his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze. Then he adds layer after layer of blood. He then puts his knife in the ground with the blade up. The wolf follows his nose to the source of the scent and begins licking it, tasting the fresh frozen blood. He begins to lick faster, more vigorously until the edge is bare. Harder and harder the wolf licks the blade. His craving for blood becomes so great that he doesn’t notice the razor sharp sting of the naked blade on his own tongue. Nor does he recognize when his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his own warm blood. His tongue has become desensitized. His appetite continues to crave more until in the morning light the wolf is found dead in the snow.

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Keep Your Eyes on the Shoreline - Cheryl Rodriguez

As the 3 of us were out there floating together, we all were holding onto each other’s float. I am not sure if it was because there was no one for miles, or if it was because I had never been to this beach before. Perhaps it was because we had our daughter with us, or because my husband had us all scared of sharks; but I caught myself starting to worry anytime I was facing the ocean instead of the shoreline. When I was facing the shore, I could see our mountain-high pile of beach things, and I would realize we were not far from the shore at all. I was comforted because I knew we were not drifting away. However, when I would turn and face the ocean, my fear would really kick in. I was worried about everything: were we too far out? What if we saw a shark? Would we be able to get back fast enough if something happened? Had we drifted from our spot? It was then that the Lord brought this thought to my mind:

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Following the Master's Plan - Stephanie Stratton

So, we know the areas in which God does not give us strict guidelines. But what about the areas He does give specific instructions? Like fellowship with God, prayer, church attendance, tithing, soul winning, faithfulness, purity, godliness? Are these things important to us? In the last few years, I've had multiple conversations with people who told me that God would understand why they chose not to tithe to a local church, or go to church because we now have livestream (a great tool when there are no other options or because of sickness, but not a substitute for fellowship with other believers, Hebrews 10:25), or that soul winning wasn't something for them because they are shy, or that Bible reading and prayer is too time consuming and God would rather that they were doing something more “meaningful”, or that watching an R-rated movie was okay because it was with their spouse and they skipped all the bad parts, etc. These weren't people “of the world”. They were born again Christians. People in churches of like-faith. According to the Bible they are playing a dangerous game. Isaiah 33:31b says, “...for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.”

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The Benefits of Stillness - Sherri Roberson

Ladies, would you agree we are a busy people. The busyness of keeping house, cooking, taking kids to practices, church and the list could go on and on. If we aren’t careful the day will get away from us without giving any thought to God. I love the verse in Psalms 46:10. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. There are tremendous benefits of being still. When God created us He gave us five senses, I want to look at three of those senses. When we get to the place where we can be still there are some wonderful benefits.

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Be a Light for Christ! - Cassandra Foust

Jesus is in the middle of His famous sermon, “The Sermon on the Mount.” The verses here are so well known that you may have them memorized. As a missionary’s wife I think of this topic very regularly. I often ask myself “Am I showing the light of Christ to those around me?”‬‬‬‬‬‬

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I Choose to be a Christian! - Abby Sapp

Every day when you wake up, get ready and are about to leave your home for the day. Do a heart check, if your heart is right with the Lord, you will know if your outfit that day is modest and pleasing to the Lord or not. Also, ask the Lord to guide your words for the day and your thoughts.

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The Love of God - Danielle Palmer

Ladies, don’t we all just want to be loved? Is there anything better than knowing someone loves and accepts you? Isn’t it a delight to know that someone is eagerly waiting to spend time with you? Doesn’t it feel so safe when you can speak freely and know that the person to whom you are speaking is really hearing you and wanting what is best for you? Some ladies reading this today may say, “Amen” to these thoughts. Others may say, “I wouldn’t know. I have never felt that!” If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, you have a Heavenly Father who truly, deeply, and passionately cares for you just like that! Just imagine if we could really see and understand how much the Creator of the Universe loves us. I think we would be unstoppable! What could discourage us? What could possibly derail us? What could draw us away from Him if we were fully aware of His intense love? But why is it that some of us don’t feel that love from God as much as others? Is it because we are less lovable?

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