Posts tagged Single
Patience and Pride - Diana Weinert

Patience…. My least favorite word of all time.  So many “well meaning” people have tried to be an “encouragement” to me over the years by saying things like, “God will bring you just the right man, you just have to be patient” or “God will show you what He wants for your future, you just have to be patient”. 

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Word of Encouragement - Emily Queen

I think as women in general it is in our nature to give of ourselves in almost everything we do. We have a tendency to put everyone else’s needs before our own, especially in family life. If you are like me and chose a serving profession (nurse), then your job requires a lot of self-giving. So I give all day at work, then I get home and give the rest to my kids, and sometimes it is hard to have the motivation to fill myself back up again by spending time with the best Giver of all, my Heavenly Father.

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