Posts tagged Promise
God's Power, Presence, Promise and Peace - MaryBeth Siegwart

There is nothing better for refreshing my soul, uplifting my hurting heart, or encouraging my spirit than being in God’s amazing creation!  God definitely meets me at these special moments.  Because of this, on the anniversary of my husband’s home going, I always plan an outdoor adventure.  Along with that, I  send up a balloon with a tract attached to it.   My husband was a passionate soulwinner and it is a way to honor this important part of his life. 

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Hope - Heather Roloson

There’s an “expected end” to loneliness. I had a friend ask me a while ago if it bothered me that all my friends were dating and I was not. Being honest, sometimes there is that insecurity that says there won’t be an end to this season in my life. Then I remember I have a promise from God. Does that mean I will get married? Not necessarily. But the “thing that I long for”? The things that every human being longs for? Belonging and mattering? Oh yes, my friend, it’s coming. If not in my own family, then in the work that God is preparing me to do.

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