Posts tagged Kindness
How is Your Tone? - Erica Stalions

So as you go throughout your day remember to think about how you are speaking just as much as what you are speaking. So many of life situations can be handled so much better if
we guard our mouth and how we communicate with others. Psalm 141:3 - Set a watch (guard), O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

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The Love of God - Danielle Palmer

Ladies, don’t we all just want to be loved? Is there anything better than knowing someone loves and accepts you? Isn’t it a delight to know that someone is eagerly waiting to spend time with you? Doesn’t it feel so safe when you can speak freely and know that the person to whom you are speaking is really hearing you and wanting what is best for you? Some ladies reading this today may say, “Amen” to these thoughts. Others may say, “I wouldn’t know. I have never felt that!” If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, you have a Heavenly Father who truly, deeply, and passionately cares for you just like that! Just imagine if we could really see and understand how much the Creator of the Universe loves us. I think we would be unstoppable! What could discourage us? What could possibly derail us? What could draw us away from Him if we were fully aware of His intense love? But why is it that some of us don’t feel that love from God as much as others? Is it because we are less lovable?

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The Label - Amy Sapp

Chances are that at some point in life someone has done or said something to hurt you... When people are "people" AND we all are very "peopley". Things tend to happen or get said that maybe shouldn't have been. And it HURTS! Sometimes it hurts pretty bad. I am pretty sure if we are honest with ourselves, we would admit that we have all been there at some point in time. And if we are truthful with our own selves we have also been on the side that has done the hurting as well.

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