My husband ran a 50 mile race! Yes, you read that correctly. 50 mile trail race. Who in their right mind runs 50 miles? But that wasn’t enough for him. You see, there are these races that are 100 miles long. Seriously. Why? I’m really not sure, but he set his mind to it and signed up for one. Let’s be real… I was not (and am not) running 100 miles. That race was not for me! But do you know what was for me? Helping him. I could encourage him. I could support him. I could go on training runs with him, I could make sure he had all the tools he needed… Shoes, socks, clean running clothes, food, water, electrolytes, salt tablets… I could pray for him. And for months that is what I did. I was training for my races and he was training for his.
Read MoreI spent many days pouring out my heart to the Lord. We took the leap of faith to enter this adoption plan and I was hoping the understanding would come as to why he said no. Now I can look back at that storm and see how the Lord grew me. How He used this hard time to show me it was Him that I really needed, not that baby boy. He could be my joy, my comfort, and my strength. It changed my view to asking God what He is wanting to do through me instead of why He is doing this to me.
Read MoreDo you ever feel like you are just merely “surviving”? Have you ever heard of the statement “survival of the fittest”? Although I am well aware of the statements origin, and I am in complete dis-agreement with the thought process behind its meaning, the statement has always intrigued me. Years ago I began taking the original meaning of the coined saying and have often used the expression but I added my own “twist” to it. I developed a spiritual application for myself.
Read MoreIf we have learned anything through this year, I hope we have learned to hold the things of this world very loosely. Our world is a mess, and it has seemed to spiral down so quickly this year alone. We need to learn to live with Heaven in view every single day. This is difficult with so many things screaming for our time, as ladies. The kids have outgrown their shoes. You know they need to go to the dentist. It is time to pay the school bill. The list is endless. The little (less important) things clamor for our time. Our Bibles never scream, “Hey read me!” The dishes…yes! The dishes they scream, “Hey look at this mess.” I truly believe if we can train our minds and our thoughts to ask if this is going to matter in light of eternity, then we will major on the things that matter. Our hurt feelings, that rude comment…will it really matter? Can I overlook it? Maybe there are things we are chasing and spending more time on than we should. It is time for Christians to focus on Heaven. Focus on relationships and people. First, are they going to Heaven? Can I give them the Gospel? Can I mend a relationship? I mean, we are going to Heaven together if they are believers. Can I focus on my current ministry or maybe I need to jump into a ministry? I challenge you to take a minute to list your priorities in light of eternity. Heaven is real! We are headed there, my friend.
Read MoreGod’s example of a pearl, just as the Church was formed from the redemptive act of Jesus at Calvary who bore our sins upon the cross, a pearl is formed out of suffering and it is only when we as “pearls” come to the end of ourselves that we can look up and see the beauty and love of a God who loves us and paid the ultimate price just to prove that love on Calvary. Pearls like people are a combination of things; it takes at least 3 materials to form a pearl; calcium, the irritant material, and the oyster’s saliva
Read MoreOh how I wish that was my life! I have wandered for much of it. Brokenly. Every repeat, reconciled moment with the Lord, I would rejoice in feeling close to Him, yet I would continue sojourning – spiritually never settling down, putting down roots with a home church, developing deep fellowships with other believers – and therefore never getting God's best for me. My growth was stunted, limited to solitary bible study and the occasional chat with a brother or sister in the faith, for much of my adult life. And I longed for the Lord, painfully so.
Read MoreBe faithful to all church services and soul-winning times, BE ON TIME, even be early, nothing shows love like being there! If you are a leader in your church, do better than average, there is a good chance that others will do a little less than what you do.
Read MoreThere’s an “expected end” to loneliness. I had a friend ask me a while ago if it bothered me that all my friends were dating and I was not. Being honest, sometimes there is that insecurity that says there won’t be an end to this season in my life. Then I remember I have a promise from God. Does that mean I will get married? Not necessarily. But the “thing that I long for”? The things that every human being longs for? Belonging and mattering? Oh yes, my friend, it’s coming. If not in my own family, then in the work that God is preparing me to do.
Read MoreThe only good in us is because Jesus Christs righteousness and the Holy spirit that dwells in us. This past fall I went to a ladies craft day at a church camp with the ladies of our church. They go to this event every year, but this was my very first time attending. As I entered the room I saw four different craft stations set up, and at each station was an example of what we were about to create. Stacked neatly in piles on the tables were all the supplies needed to make that item. There were no written instructions on how to put it together but there was a leader stationed there if you needed any help. Guess who needed help?
Read MoreSeveral years ago, my husband preached a message concerning “the name of the LORD”. He explained that the phrase, “the name of” was a way of saying “the character of”, or what that person is known for. It was not simply using that person’s name, but rather knowing that person’s character. This was eye-opening for me, and it transformed my life enabling me to repent of living a life filled with WORRY.
Read MoreThere are so many ways Satan can attack our children these days. Evil influences can enter your home through television and movies, social media, the internet, YouTube, game systems, music, friends, activities, sports and more. If we aren’t in our towers watching for these breaches to our home, it could be too late to do anything. As mothers, we can learn so much from a medieval castle design to teach us about guarding our children from evil attackers and invaders.
Read MoreFirst the coin is minted. I think the day we are saved we are minted for Christ. By being minted the coin is stamped with an image, because it has a value. The penny has Lincoln, the nickel has Jefferson, dime has Roosevelt and so on. When we are saved we have Gods image stamped on our lives therefore we are of more value than any coin.
Read MoreSo, as far back as about 4 yrs old, I remember my mom waking me up on Sunday mornings and putting me on a bus to go to church. She never went with me, but honestly the only adults that I ever saw were my teachers, so I never thought anything about it. But I remember, no matter what, every Sunday, without fail, I’d get up and go to Sunday school. I remember learning all the Old Testament stories. I remember learning about Jesus being God’s Son, and also being God.
Read MoreWhen we don’t know what to do, we can always stay faithful. Get up, read your Bible, pray, go to church, continue to serve in your church, go soulwinning, pass out tracts: just focus on what you can do for the Lord. He will guide your path and ALL will work out. Is my path clear right now? Ha! Oh my, no! We ended up having to go back to our home state. Our life on paper, to the world, would look crazy, but God has a plan.
Read MoreWhen most people think of broken, they think of something that is unusable, has lost its value and no longer serves a purpose. God, however, is not limited to man’s knowledge and does not view “broken” the same way. In fact, He often places trials and tribulations in our lives to refine us and make us who we need to be to fulfill His purpose. He “breaks” us to make us beautiful.
Read MoreGentleness has many definitions. One definition that I really love is, “Refusal to use harm to anyone.” How true is this of God. Our great, powerful God is so gentle. So many times, His gentleness is something that I have taken for granted. I love to see the powerful God. The God who created the world, the God who will destroy the wicked someday, the God who works miracles and changes lives. Yet, the God full of gentleness is the one who has made me great. Throughout the ages, people have worshiped false gods out of fear that their “god” would harm them if they did not do what he wanted. My God is not a God who wants to make my life miserable. In fact, He says in Matthew 11:29-30, “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” He is so gentle to us. He wants us to come to Him so He can help carry us through life.
Read MoreWe are a team! Our entire family follows a variety of sports, and team sports are our favorite. I have spent many hours following my husband and our three sons and their involvement in high school basketball. My husband is the captain of our team, and I strive to play my God-given role by submitting to his leadership. Ephesians 5:24 tells us, “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.” I certainly don’t have all the answers, and I am always trying to watch and learn from others who have good marriages. The following are a few ideas that have helped me try to be what I need to be in our home.
Read MoreAbout 30 years ago, at a revival an evangelist spoke on prayer. He had an old telephone receiver with the cord still attached. Yes, this was before smart phones. He explained that his phone was a direct line to God. First thing in the morning he picks up the phone and says good morning Lord and they have a chat. He illustrated that during his day he never hangs up on God but leaves the phone on his shoulder so he can keep God on the line. That image has stuck with me through the years. Celeste how are you going to keep God on the line?
Read MoreRejoicing in His testimonies. Wow. Do I REJOICE? Of course, I like them. I read them. I’m thankful for them. I memorize them......but do I REJOICE?!?! Rejoice like I just found unexpected money? Rejoice like I was just given $100? Do I REJOICE?? Do I rejoice when I read my Bible? Not only that, but do I rejoice in the WAY of His testimonies? Do I rejoice in the life – the path, the way – that His testimonies command and teach? Am I rejoicing in the purity of life that the way of His testimonies commands or do I complain that it’s too much or too strict? Do I rejoice in the holy living that the way of His testimonies commands or do I claim that it’s old-fashioned and out of date? Do I rejoice in the way of His testimonies that commands faithfulness to church or do I skip church whenever I can? Do I rejoice in the way of His testimonies that guides the words that come out of my mouth, or do I excuse my gossip and crass language?
Read MoreI suffer from a rare disease – ADOLAS. What is this you ask? It is “Attention Deficit….Oh Look, A Squirrel!” Do you have this disease also? J Sometimes I tend to lose my focus. I see something that pulls my attention away from something else that I’m reading or watching or cleaning. I’ll even get distracted mid-sentence with another thought. My husband always laughs and shakes his head when we are shopping – as I flit from one display to another until he reminds me why we went to the store in the first place.
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