Faith, Trust and Obey - Larissa Fahr

Faith, Trust and Obey It is something we have all been taught we should have!

As I was just doing some random reading, I came across Matthew Chapter 8.

Wow! First off let me say, this same Jesus who did all the miracles in the Bible is the same Jesus I know! He is still working miracles! So why don’t I have faith and why can’t I just simply trust and obey Him!

Verse 10 - “Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no not in Israel.”

That verse hit me hard. Could Jesus say that about me? Do I have great faith?

Sure, I tell others, “Just have faith,” but do I truly have it?

I have faith in Christ to save me.
Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:


What about every day faith, 

Every day trust 

Every day obedience 

Does my walk show signs of faith, trust and obedience? 
2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we walk by faith, not by sight:

Life can be a roller coaster for sure.

In April of 2019, my husband and I, our two children, our dog and our cat packed up everything and moved over 700 miles away. We were so excited to start this new adventure, and we went with the desire and intention to serve the Lord! 


Let’s just say nothing went as planned. The storm clouds in life quickly grew dark and heavy. It was hard to see for sure. 

What was God doing? Yes, I admit, I started to doubt, but I was reminded to stay faithful! 

When we don’t know what to do, we can always stay faithful. Get up, read your Bible, pray, go to church, continue to serve in your church, go soulwinning, pass out tracts: just focus on what you can do for the Lord. He will guide your path and ALL will work out. Is my path clear right now? Ha! Oh my, no! We ended up having to go back to our home state. Our life on paper, to the world, would look crazy, but God has a plan. 

I can go on and on with so many wonderful things God showed us last year while we stayed faithful, trusted Him and obeyed in the areas He already laid out for us, such as reading our bible, praying, focus on reaching others for Christ. 

My daughter who was 10 years old at the time, handed a man a gospel tract,  while he was stocking shelves at Walmart. The man came to me with tears thanking me for the tract she gave him. Fast forward 6 months later, the man started coming to church. 

We would pray together for God to meet specific needs in our family. Of course God did and wow the look on our kiddos faces when they see their prayers from faith, trust and obedience to God come visible is just priceless! 

God is so good my friend! 

Yet! I reach those mountain tops and see God answering our prayers. My faith is so strong! I want to preach to the world, trust God! 

Then I go through a valley again, it’s like the mountain crumbs and just like that,  I find myself in a valley. I start to ask “why”!

My faith that was so strong back there, but now I find it is weak. I don’t know what direction to go, I don’t know what to do about life. 

Wait, my friend! 

This is where faith, trust and obedience comes in,  I get up, read my Bible, pray and start just staying busy for the Lord doing what He already commanded me to do. We may not have the answers to so many things in life BUT God always shows us the way to follow Him. I often say to my children, just trust me, just simply obey! 


Those words come back and smack

me in the face A LOT! Easy to tell my kids to do that but it should be just as easy for me to do that with God. He is my Father! 

So today my friend just have faith, trust and obey! 

Here are a few words from a song that really hit home for me this past year.

But we never can prove the delights of His love

Until all on the altar we lay;

For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,

Are for them who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there’s NO other way

To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

We have been able to see people come to church, souls saved, including my son, and friendships made through some of our lowest valleys. 

So, to bring it all together, just stay faithful, my friend. God is faithful, and He will guide! You never know when those storms clouds will lift, and the sun will come shining through.