Posts tagged Loving
How to Find Joy Being In the center of God’s Will - Beverly Yancey
  1. Be willing to let go of what could have been. My dad gave up a job where he could have been making more money and we would have definitely lived a comfortable lifestyle but that was not God’s plan and I’m so thankful God had a different plan. God has blessed our family so much!

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The Gentle Savior - Briella Dignan

Gentleness has many definitions. One definition that I really love is, “Refusal to use harm to anyone.” How true is this of God. Our great, powerful God is so gentle. So many times, His gentleness is something that I have taken for granted. I love to see the powerful God. The God who created the world, the God who will destroy the wicked someday, the God who works miracles and changes lives. Yet, the God full of gentleness is the one who has made me great. Throughout the ages, people have worshiped false gods out of fear that their “god” would harm them if they did not do what he wanted. My God is not a God who wants to make my life miserable. In fact, He says in Matthew 11:29-30, “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” He is so gentle to us. He wants us to come to Him so He can help carry us through life.

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