There’s an “expected end” to loneliness. I had a friend ask me a while ago if it bothered me that all my friends were dating and I was not. Being honest, sometimes there is that insecurity that says there won’t be an end to this season in my life. Then I remember I have a promise from God. Does that mean I will get married? Not necessarily. But the “thing that I long for”? The things that every human being longs for? Belonging and mattering? Oh yes, my friend, it’s coming. If not in my own family, then in the work that God is preparing me to do.
Read MoreThe only good in us is because Jesus Christs righteousness and the Holy spirit that dwells in us. This past fall I went to a ladies craft day at a church camp with the ladies of our church. They go to this event every year, but this was my very first time attending. As I entered the room I saw four different craft stations set up, and at each station was an example of what we were about to create. Stacked neatly in piles on the tables were all the supplies needed to make that item. There were no written instructions on how to put it together but there was a leader stationed there if you needed any help. Guess who needed help?
Read MoreNature has a way of teaching us many lessons about life. One of my morning rituals is sitting on my back porch spending time with the Lord before my day gets started. This ritual always brings with it the combination of the beautiful East Texas morning, creation, and the love of God. Last week, I once again found myself on the back porch spending time with the Lord. However, this time two hummingbirds showed up to join me. I sat very still as I watched them hovering over the feeder.
Read MoreCut people a lot of slack. Why? Because they need it just like we do. God says in Psalms 86:15, But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. People are our most important business because they are the most important thing to God’s heart. I have been humbled many times by the knowledge that the pain I feel because of other’s actions towards me is the same feeling of pain I give to God when I hurt or disappoint Him. When we genuinely love people, we will work hard to show the same compassion, grace, mercy, and longsuffering that Jesus showed toward us. Be kind Wow! Have you ever seen an age where people are so thoughtless, selfish, uncaring, rude, and down right mean to others? Sadly, we Christians have not exempted ourselves from these faults. We criticize, demean, post critical memes, and name call, all in the veneer of being “on the right side”
Read MoreFirst the coin is minted. I think the day we are saved we are minted for Christ. By being minted the coin is stamped with an image, because it has a value. The penny has Lincoln, the nickel has Jefferson, dime has Roosevelt and so on. When we are saved we have Gods image stamped on our lives therefore we are of more value than any coin.
Read MoreEach of us is on a journey. Education is important in learning the skills, truths, and concepts of a given topic, but scholastic education is not needed to be successful in life. Learning how to LIVE successfully for Christ is the most important education to receive. Learn at your own pace, but be responsible; get back up when you make a mistake; learn, know, and experience the love of Christ; and know that you are valued and valuable. You are enough for God. ☺
Read MoreSo, as far back as about 4 yrs old, I remember my mom waking me up on Sunday mornings and putting me on a bus to go to church. She never went with me, but honestly the only adults that I ever saw were my teachers, so I never thought anything about it. But I remember, no matter what, every Sunday, without fail, I’d get up and go to Sunday school. I remember learning all the Old Testament stories. I remember learning about Jesus being God’s Son, and also being God.
Read MoreMay is a wonderful month because it is when Mother’s Day is celebrated. I have utmost respect for my mother any time of the year, and always strive to honor her. However, during this month of May, I want to reflect on how she taught me the virtues of being a godly woman and mother. As Proverbs 31:26 says, “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness”. This verse evokes warm thoughts of her. Mom is wise, sweet, loving and it shows in how she interacts with others.
Read MoreHannah is one of my favorite women in the Bible. We have something in common. Both Hannah and I begged the Lord for children. My husband and I went 21 years without children before we adopted our 3 little boys!! I understand Hannah’s heart…the countless tears that no one sees and the cries that no one hears.
Read MoreWe have all heard the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” About five years ago I started a health routine where I drink about 64 oz of lemon water every day. I don’t really care for the bitter, sour taste of lemons, but when you add a bit of sweetener, it’s pretty good!
Isn’t that the way life is? It’s full of disappointments that can cause bitterness, sourness; but if we can learn to add our sweetener, disappointments can become sweet blessings.
Read MoreOur Savior, in His time on the earth, was our example in every way. He not only
taught us how to live, but He showed us how to live, how to behave, and how to treat
others. One of the things that stands out to me about the life of Christ is the relationships
he developed with the twelve men he hand-picked to be with Him. These men, who came
from a variety of backgrounds and occupations, were all uniquely loved and cherished by
Jesus. It is obvious that they meant more to Christ than merely the men who would carry
on His work after he went back to Heaven.
An easy way to try this is to send flowers to someone’s home anonymously. You could leave a treat on someone’s car or desk. Mail a gift card to their home. Your heart will follow what your hands do and your lips pray. Remember Jesus example of love included a costly sacrifice, humbleness, and a tangible action--we have to be willing to spend our resources and make a sacrifice if we are to love like Him!
Read MoreThe alarm clock going off early in the morning,
just means that we get to live another day. The lady that sits behind you in
church and sings way off key just means that you are able to hear. Clothes
that are getting a little to tight just means that you have plenty of food to fill
your belly. Hearing people complain about the government just means that we
have the freedom of speech. Windows to wash, floors to vacuum and furniture
to dust just means that the Lord has given you a house to live in and He has
provided for you and has given us things that although it's not always fun, need
to be cleaned
I suffer from a rare disease – ADOLAS. What is this you ask? It is “Attention Deficit….Oh Look, A Squirrel!” Do you have this disease also? J Sometimes I tend to lose my focus. I see something that pulls my attention away from something else that I’m reading or watching or cleaning. I’ll even get distracted mid-sentence with another thought. My husband always laughs and shakes his head when we are shopping – as I flit from one display to another until he reminds me why we went to the store in the first place.
Read MoreShouldn't we do the same with the work of the Lord? Do we not need to stand fast and get in good position to serve the Lord? We need to stand fast in traditions, II Thessalonians 2:15 and stand fast in faith, I Corinthians 16:13. We need to be steadfast and unmovable, I Corinthians 15:58. We need to hold fast, hold that form without wavering, Hebrews 10:23. There is a race to be run!
Read MoreChances are that at some point in life someone has done or said something to hurt you... When people are "people" AND we all are very "peopley". Things tend to happen or get said that maybe shouldn't have been. And it HURTS! Sometimes it hurts pretty bad. I am pretty sure if we are honest with ourselves, we would admit that we have all been there at some point in time. And if we are truthful with our own selves we have also been on the side that has done the hurting as well.
Read MoreWhen it is necessary for us to “go outside and face the storm”, will we tread prayerfully and carefully while remembering that many spiritual accidents occur in the winter time through decisions made in haste? Will we remember that, just as winter blizzards can be blinding, spiritual winter times can leave us temporarily blinded to the direction God would have us take?
Read MoreTrue joy can be found in the midst of a raging storm. When all the circumstances
around you are out of your control, you can still be filled with joy; you can still live a joy
filled and fulfilled life in Christ. That “inner joy” that I’m talking about is a joyful heart,
which is found in and grounded in God.
Read MoreLately, I have been thinking about Jochebed, the mother of Moses. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about her. Just like all mothers, surely, she had a dream for how she would raise her children. She didn’t have an easy life, but she had a little family and ways of loving and training her children for the Lord. I wonder, did she plan in detail how she would raise them and teach them about the Lord and life. Was she preparing them to have the right attitude about their suffering? Did she have a plan to try to ease their hurts as they grew that would bring them closer to God so they wouldn’t stray away from him in bitterness?
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