The Label - Amy Sapp

Do you have a LABEL stuck to someone that needs to be removed?

Chances are that at some point in life someone has done or said something to hurt you... When people are "people" AND we all are very "peopley". Things tend to happen or get said that maybe shouldn't have been. And it HURTS! Sometimes it hurts pretty bad. I am pretty sure if we are honest with ourselves, we would admit that we have all been there at some point in time. And if we are truthful with our own selves we have also been on the side that has done the hurting as well.

The word "label" means..

1. a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information

2. a classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive.

Have you been "labeled" or have you "labeled" someone? If so, take that label OFF! Maybe someone you were super close to at one point lied to you or said something about you. And now every single time you walk by them or their name comes to mind all you see is the label.. "I can't trust you" or they are a "liar" or they "gossiped" about me or they "hurt my feelings" etc

The list goes on and on..

Don't distance yourself just because someone had a moment where they were human. There is a good chance that if they knew the hurt it was going to cause to you they would "retract" the cause of the "labeling"

Work things out

Deal with it

Do not hold it in

Do not hold a grudge

Resolve it

Give it to the Lord

Someone may have done 50 things right and did the one thing wrong. It may have been at a time they themselves were struggling or hurting. Hurting people hurt people. You have no idea what stress someone else is under or what they are dealing with. You know when you are struggling personally, how do you respond outward to others? I know me personally. If I am struggling, I have said or done things especially to the ones I am closest to that I wish I wouldn't have. I would hate to have a label placed on me just because I was struggling with something else.

Is the label that you have placed on someone "inaccurate"?


YOU may be hurting a relationship because of that label!


Replace that label with a good label!

One that is true!

Replace it with a label of "JOY"!

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethern, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

How would we feel if God labeled us in a negative manner? What if we did something to hurt Him? What if we asked forgiveness, yet every time He thinks on us, we are labeled with something bad in His eyes? Even though we love Him with our whole hearts!

Take that label OFF before it does anymore damage!