Posts in God's Will
The Classroom of Life - Pam Seulean

One day, I overheard a third grader disdain a kindergartener’s work. “Oh, that’s SO EASY! I wish my work was that easy.” Of course, the sixth grader immediately scoffed, “You think YOUR work is hard?? Wait until you get to sixth grade!” Whereupon the 11th grader in the room piped up with scorn, “Dude. You have no idea. Take a look at this chemistry equation I had today!” (And I wanted to tell HIM that, chemistry and all, his life is so simple compared to an adult’s life!)

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Treasures In The Snow - Linda Sexton

The lesson I learned actually took more than one winter to learn.  It also took the preaching of the word of God.  It took reading my Bible more.  It took praying more and it took trusting God more.  Did I really believe all things worked for my good?  And then, I purposed in my heart that I would learn to enjoy winter.

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All Wrapped Up and Tied in a Bow - Anne Marie Sanftner

Let’s be real for a minute and please let this question sink into your beautiful soul. Do you feel the need that your life must be all wrapped perfectly and tied up in a perfect bow? Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations? Do you ever feel like the expectations are too? How about an example; do these thoughts or similar ones ever creep up in your head? “Look at that perfect Christmas tree…mine doesn’t look like that.” “That family picture is so beautiful…I wish we could do that so others can see us look that good.” “They always get such amazing Christmas gifts…we can’t afford those but I’ll get them anyway.” “It all has to be perfect…I have to do whatever I can to make it perfect.” I am using Christmas time as an example because I sincerely feel that not-measuring-up can be a dominating feeling during and after the holiday season. 

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I Thought We Were Friends - Amy Sapp

“I thought we were friends.” / “I thought you loved me.”

The hurt behind those words can overshadow years of life, love, and memories. All the good times fade away when a friendship is betrayed.

Investment, down the drain. Trust destroyed. Love questioned.

Have you been there? / Are you currently there?

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What to do When You are Overwhelmed - Kelly DeMoville

Now don’t get me wrong, I do get depressed; I do struggle at times with frustration; I do wonder why things can’t be easier or why does everything have to be tough sometimes, but I try very hard not to live there. In fact over the last few years, I’ve had many conversations with God about certain things in my life that seem “unfair!” And God has been working on me in this area very much in the last couple of years. One of my very favorite Bible characters is Joseph.

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Make the Rule; Keep the Rule - Molly Audiss

Sometimes it seems that our world is getting worse and worse. Listening to the news, you would think that there is nothing but wickedness and evil to be found. But really, there is nothing new under the sun. Think about it, everything that is a sin was addressed in the Bible, so man had already done every evil deed thousands of years before there was a CNN or Fox News.

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Bottle Necked - Teresa Ross

When you serve the Lord together, your hearts knit in a special way. A church God allowed us to help restart in 2004 held special memories for us. God allowed us to purchase a building for it! Memories with the ladies, decorating for different events. You grow to have a special place in your heart for each person. God was faithful!

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Emptying Yourself to be Filled with Christ - Regina McCall

When you think of emptying yourself do you truly rid yourself of your wants/desires and allow God His deserved place as head of your life? This is something I’d never really given a lot of thought to until I started really studying His word. Asking God to fill me with His Spirit to be number one above all my wants and needs.

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The Numbing Process - Denise Roe

According to tradition, when an Eskimo hunts a wolf, the first thing he does is coat his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze. Then he adds layer after layer of blood. He then puts his knife in the ground with the blade up. The wolf follows his nose to the source of the scent and begins licking it, tasting the fresh frozen blood. He begins to lick faster, more vigorously until the edge is bare. Harder and harder the wolf licks the blade. His craving for blood becomes so great that he doesn’t notice the razor sharp sting of the naked blade on his own tongue. Nor does he recognize when his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his own warm blood. His tongue has become desensitized. His appetite continues to crave more until in the morning light the wolf is found dead in the snow.

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Be Carefull for Nothing - Joannie Rodriguez

. KEEP YOUR MIND IN CONTROL… verse 6a – In other words, don’t be too worried or

dedicated to the problem or situation. Paul was reminding us to not worry about

anything. Yes, nothing at all! I know this can be really hard to do, especially when it

involves marital and family problems, sickness, and problems at church which can often

be difficult to ignore. I, myself, have had the tendency to rethink things too much. I put

too much focus on the problem or on the person creating the problem. I often have to

be reminded to not get too emotionally attached to the problem or to someone that I

feel has offended me. We cannot allow these problems or thoughts to take over our

minds and reside deep in our hearts. If we do, we will soon find ourselves having to deal

with the issue of anxiety.

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Following the Master's Plan - Stephanie Stratton

So, we know the areas in which God does not give us strict guidelines. But what about the areas He does give specific instructions? Like fellowship with God, prayer, church attendance, tithing, soul winning, faithfulness, purity, godliness? Are these things important to us? In the last few years, I've had multiple conversations with people who told me that God would understand why they chose not to tithe to a local church, or go to church because we now have livestream (a great tool when there are no other options or because of sickness, but not a substitute for fellowship with other believers, Hebrews 10:25), or that soul winning wasn't something for them because they are shy, or that Bible reading and prayer is too time consuming and God would rather that they were doing something more “meaningful”, or that watching an R-rated movie was okay because it was with their spouse and they skipped all the bad parts, etc. These weren't people “of the world”. They were born again Christians. People in churches of like-faith. According to the Bible they are playing a dangerous game. Isaiah 33:31b says, “...for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.”

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Be a Light for Christ! - Cassandra Foust

Jesus is in the middle of His famous sermon, “The Sermon on the Mount.” The verses here are so well known that you may have them memorized. As a missionary’s wife I think of this topic very regularly. I often ask myself “Am I showing the light of Christ to those around me?”‬‬‬‬‬‬

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I Choose to be a Christian! - Abby Sapp

Every day when you wake up, get ready and are about to leave your home for the day. Do a heart check, if your heart is right with the Lord, you will know if your outfit that day is modest and pleasing to the Lord or not. Also, ask the Lord to guide your words for the day and your thoughts.

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Combating Satan's Lies - Paula Rimes

“You’re not good enough.” “Are you sure they would even miss you if you were gone?” “God is being unfair to bring this trial into your life.” These, and countless more, are LIES that Satan whispers in our ears. In recent days, I’ve heard from several ladies and teen girls about how Satan is working on their thought life. As I listen, I am reminded of my own personal struggles with Satan whispering in my ear causing me to let my own mind run out of control with worry and fear. Lest we feel like we are alone in this struggle, we can go back to the very beginning of time and see how the Devil works.

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Now Unto Him That is Able - Robin Parton

When I saw my reflection for the first time in the bathroom mirror, out of shock I said, “I feel like a freak.” Immediately the Holy Spirit convicted me that my thinking was wrong, and I knew right then and there I was going to have to spend as little time as possible looking into a physical mirror and as much time as possible looking into the mirror of God’s Word.

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