Posts in Children
Infertility - Mylee Restelle

Now, I know there are unforeseen, horrible, and despicable things that can happen to a precious teenage girl that are beyond her control, resulting in a teen pregnancy that is in NO WAY what I am referring to. My heart breaks for girls in situations like that. However, in my story, this was a "let's try it once to see what happens" kind of thing. I'm going to be completely honest with you: these ones always sting a little more than the others. To know that soon their arms will have a wonderful bundle of joy to love, while my arms remain empty, is gut-wrenching.

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Preparing Your Spirit - Kim McCoy

Preparing our spirit is a daily task. It’s just as important or even more important than preparing for our physical needs each day. We must be prepared both physically and spiritually to meet the pressures and demands that we face each day.

As Christians we know that this is true, and I’m sure that probably most, if not all that are reading this devotion, already practice this daily. Sometimes we need a little reminder, like I did, about a month ago when I came across this verse in Romans.

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Smore's Faith - Jami McConkey

I’ve mentioned Before Cancer and during cancer. Now I would say we are not done with cancer, but rather in recovery. Unfortunately, you are only one scan away from relapse. It’s a reality and truth that we don’t dwell on, but you can’t unknow that either! Some kids make it years and decades and some have to keep getting back in the battle against the beast of Osteosarcoma. That’s the stark reality.

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Are You Murmuring? - Heather McCammon

I do not know about you but I struggle with complaining. I have been in church long enough that I do not openly go around voicing my complaints, and now that I’m a pastors wife I try even harder not to let any discontentment show; but, I constantly find myself muttering under my breath, thinking to myself about how unfair or terrible something is.

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The Fingerprints of a Mother- Julee Martinez

Fingerprints are a unique design God gave to every individual human. Webster’s dictionary describes fingertips a “an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, especially as used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines.” I marvel at the fact that the God of the universe could easily make the billions of different patterns needed for the billions of people on earth. The marks of a fingerprint are a reflection of the person who holds that mark.

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Relationship in Christ - Duska Lovelace

It doesn’t make for a good relationship if we only go to someone when we want or need something. People that love us want to know those things, but that’s not all they want to know. When we are too busy and to talk with Christ more then when we want something we are treating Him like a genie in a bottle. Maybe you have even made empty promises you can’t and won’t keep just because you are hoping the Lord may answer this request that is so desperate for a quick answer and stressing you out. Hello! He knows us better then we know ourselves and knows we are not going to follow through.

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Glory in my Infirmities - Courtney Bartels

This verse is my life verse, but sometimes our own life verses are hard for us to declare. Last summer the Lord had me carry two precious babies for a very, very short time. I didn't understand why, and it was extremely hard. Shortly after the Lord blessed us once again with a precious baby. I was so scared, I even went to the ER thinking I was going to lose yet another baby. It turned out to be some complications from the previous miscarriages that went away on their own, praise the Lord. But the whole pregnancy I was so nervous. When the time came the Lord gave us our sweet baby girl, the delivery went well but she didn't seem right. She ended up being rushed to the NICU

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Word of Encouragement - Emily Queen

I think as women in general it is in our nature to give of ourselves in almost everything we do. We have a tendency to put everyone else’s needs before our own, especially in family life. If you are like me and chose a serving profession (nurse), then your job requires a lot of self-giving. So I give all day at work, then I get home and give the rest to my kids, and sometimes it is hard to have the motivation to fill myself back up again by spending time with the best Giver of all, my Heavenly Father.

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Lessons Learned in Homeschooling - Charity Graber

.I grew up being homeschooled and so did my husband. So when it came to schooling our own children there was no other option for us but to homeschool. I am going on my 10th year of homeschooling and let me share with you my heart. Ladies, I am still learning how this thing works. Last school year many of you were thrust into homeschooling and are looking at doing it again this next school year. I just wanted to maybe give you a little wisdom that I have learned through homeschooling my kids.

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Several years ago, my husband preached a message concerning “the name of the LORD”. He explained that the phrase, “the name of” was a way of saying “the character of”, or what that person is known for. It was not simply using that person’s name, but rather knowing that person’s character. This was eye-opening for me, and it transformed my life enabling me to repent of living a life filled with WORRY.

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Guarding Your Children - Angela Grice

There are so many ways Satan can attack our children these days. Evil influences can enter your home through television and movies, social media, the internet, YouTube, game systems, music, friends, activities, sports and more. If we aren’t in our towers watching for these breaches to our home, it could be too late to do anything. As mothers, we can learn so much from a medieval castle design to teach us about guarding our children from evil attackers and invaders.

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Sit Down, Take Your Shoes Off, Sit a Spell... - Penny Owens

Cut people a lot of slack. Why? Because they need it just like we do. God says in Psalms 86:15, But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. People are our most important business because they are the most important thing to God’s heart. I have been humbled many times by the knowledge that the pain I feel because of other’s actions towards me is the same feeling of pain I give to God when I hurt or disappoint Him. When we genuinely love people, we will work hard to show the same compassion, grace, mercy, and longsuffering that Jesus showed toward us. Be kind Wow! Have you ever seen an age where people are so thoughtless, selfish, uncaring, rude, and down right mean to others? Sadly, we Christians have not exempted ourselves from these faults. We criticize, demean, post critical memes, and name call, all in the veneer of being “on the right side”

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In the Silence, My Mother Heard God - Jennifer Dignan Morales (with Mistie Owens)

May is a wonderful month because it is when Mother’s Day is celebrated. I have utmost respect for my mother any time of the year, and always strive to honor her. However, during this month of May, I want to reflect on how she taught me the virtues of being a godly woman and mother. As Proverbs 31:26 says, “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness”. This verse evokes warm thoughts of her. Mom is wise, sweet, loving and it shows in how she interacts with others.

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Teamwork in Marriage - Tina Dail

We are a team! Our entire family follows a variety of sports, and team sports are our favorite. I have spent many hours following my husband and our three sons and their involvement in high school basketball. My husband is the captain of our team, and I strive to play my God-given role by submitting to his leadership. Ephesians 5:24 tells us, “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.” I certainly don’t have all the answers, and I am always trying to watch and learn from others who have good marriages. The following are a few ideas that have helped me try to be what I need to be in our home.

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Keep Him on the Line - Celeste Woodard

About 30 years ago, at a revival an evangelist spoke on prayer. He had an old telephone receiver with the cord still attached. Yes, this was before smart phones. He explained that his phone was a direct line to God. First thing in the morning he picks up the phone and says good morning Lord and they have a chat. He illustrated that during his day he never hangs up on God but leaves the phone on his shoulder so he can keep God on the line. That image has stuck with me through the years. Celeste how are you going to keep God on the line?

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Friendship Makes Everything Better - Tina Dail

Our Savior, in His time on the earth, was our example in every way. He not only
taught us how to live, but He showed us how to live, how to behave, and how to treat
others. One of the things that stands out to me about the life of Christ is the relationships
he developed with the twelve men he hand-picked to be with Him. These men, who came
from a variety of backgrounds and occupations, were all uniquely loved and cherished by
Jesus. It is obvious that they meant more to Christ than merely the men who would carry
on His work after he went back to Heaven.

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Eve Was Deceived Are YOU?? - Ellie DeAnda

There are basically two voices in the world today. One is the lying voice of Satan and the other is the voice speaking truth through the Scriptures. In this new year 2020- choose to believe the truths that Jesus spoke about you and not the lies of Satan. We must know the difference between the enemies’ lies and God’s truth! Which leads me to say, we must know God’s Word! We must hide His word in our hearts!! The Bible clearly states that the Truth will set us free but we must have that Truth in our hearts and minds. We must combate lies with Truth. The truth is found in God's holy word....Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

James 1:19-20, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”

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Thankful - Abby Sapp

The alarm clock going off early in the morning,
just means that we get to live another day. The lady that sits behind you in
church and sings way off key just means that you are  able to hear. Clothes
that are getting a little to tight just means that you have plenty of food to fill
your belly. Hearing people complain about the government just means that we
have the freedom of speech. Windows to wash, floors to vacuum and furniture
to dust just means that the Lord has given you a house to live in and He has
provided for you and has given us things that although it's not always fun, need
to be cleaned

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