Posts tagged Praying
ISO: Answered Prayer - Sandy Domelle

Have you ever noticed that sometimes we get so consumed with our own wants and needs? This leads to praying endlessly all day because we want an answer immediately, and then we start to get upset, mad, and bitter when we don’t get a response. It feels like our prayers are hitting the ceiling and bouncing back to us. What happens next is that you’ve become so frustrated about what you are praying for that you begin arguing with the Lord. You want to wrestle with Him so that you can win. Is it wrong to be passionate about your prayer life? No, but there are often times when you try to force your way and even manipulate your answer, and then you live in misery and regret because you had to have what you wanted.

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Glory in my Infirmities - Courtney Bartels

This verse is my life verse, but sometimes our own life verses are hard for us to declare. Last summer the Lord had me carry two precious babies for a very, very short time. I didn't understand why, and it was extremely hard. Shortly after the Lord blessed us once again with a precious baby. I was so scared, I even went to the ER thinking I was going to lose yet another baby. It turned out to be some complications from the previous miscarriages that went away on their own, praise the Lord. But the whole pregnancy I was so nervous. When the time came the Lord gave us our sweet baby girl, the delivery went well but she didn't seem right. She ended up being rushed to the NICU

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Seeing the Need to Intercede - Charlotte Cooper

Do we have this compassion like Jesus did? We need to have this compassion that takes this thought and then drives us to our knees! There are lost souls we pass by everyday! Lost souls!!! Are we going to our prayer closets ,praying that we might have the power, wisdom, truth, and opportunities to share the good news with others? If we do not have the mind of Christ we will pass by those that truly need the gospel. With the blood of Jesus, He looks past our financial standing, our looks, our failures and just sees lost souls in need of a Saviour. 

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