Posts in Anxiety
Come Apart and Rest a Little While - Jean Sheaffer

In the hustle and bustle of life today, it's easy to get caught up in whirlwinds of tasks and responsibilities that constantly demand attention. We find ourselves running from one thing to another, sometimes barely taking a moment to transition properly. However, amidst the chaos and busyness that can easily overtake our lives, there is a timeless truth that our Lord Jesus shared with us, speaking directly from His loving heart: "Come apart and rest a little while."

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The Days in Between - Emily Featherstone

Most of our lives are spent going the same speed and the same direction. Once in a while we change lanes or even merge onto a new highway, but then we resume where we were. 

1 Corinthians 2:4 reminds us that “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” Faithful, not just in those exciting moments, but in the Days in Between.

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God says you are Special! - Paula St Armour

Webster’s dictionary defines special as the following:
1: distinguished by some unusual quality
2: held in particular esteem
3: readily distinguishable from others of the same category : being other than the usual
4: designed for a particular purpose or occasion
Those definitions sound like a description of a Christian. Read again.

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In Him - Rebekah Smith

As we go through our lives and about our daily business doing all the right things, all the good things, are we living “in him”. It can be so easy to go into auto pilot. If we are not careful we can almost become robotic. Not intentionally, not even with a bad spirit, but we are doing all the things and checking off all the boxes of things to be done without giving our full attention or full spiritual awareness to them. Stop and think about it for a minute.

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Engulfed - Jodi Sherlin

July 3rd of this last year, 7 months ago, our family was enjoying some small fireworks outside. Nothing extravagant. Just a few that were sold around town that made some nice colors in the air. The men folk made sure that they did them in what we thought were a safe distance from our home and garage, and all was good. We were having a good time. When it was all done, my husband and sons in law were very diligent about checking to make sure everything was secure and there were no sparks or flames. We all took our time getting in the house and our extended family took their time leaving, nobody was in a hurry, it was a very relaxed evening. After everyone was gone, we were settling in for the night, my husband and I in the living room just about to get our pugs on our laps. Our married kids were all settled in their room. My son, who was at the farthest end of our home, came out into the living room, white as a ghost and said with a look on his face, that I will NEVER forget.. “THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!”

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You Will Do What You Believe - Jennifer Schwarz

Over and over the Bible tells us to be careful, to watch, to guard, those things which feed our mind, our emotions and our will- the components of our heart.

This admonition needs to be taken so seriously. 

Anxiety, depression, and  overwhelm are words we hear on a daily basis.  Meds and therapists are replacing Bible and preaching. Often a person will say, “I don’t do or can’t do the things I should do.”

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Treasures In The Snow - Linda Sexton

The lesson I learned actually took more than one winter to learn.  It also took the preaching of the word of God.  It took reading my Bible more.  It took praying more and it took trusting God more.  Did I really believe all things worked for my good?  And then, I purposed in my heart that I would learn to enjoy winter.

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Look Up - Jean Santos

I heard a sermon illustration about a bee. It was said that if you put a bee in the bottom of a glass jar, the bee will never fly out. Why? Because the bee never looks up to realize that the way out is right above him. I think that all too often, I am the same way. When I face problems, I tend to look around for answers, but forget to look up for His answer. I am so thankful that my Father is a “very present” help. (Psalm 46:1) He’s right there---every step of the way---even when I don’t realize it. He promises me in His Word that He will never leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5-6). The key is that I lift up my eyes. I need to turn my eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face! When I do, the things of this earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. When days are dreary…look up! When the long nights are weary….look up! Jesus cares! When the sun is shining….

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Bottle Necked - Teresa Ross

When you serve the Lord together, your hearts knit in a special way. A church God allowed us to help restart in 2004 held special memories for us. God allowed us to purchase a building for it! Memories with the ladies, decorating for different events. You grow to have a special place in your heart for each person. God was faithful!

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When You Can't See God - Carrie Roman

Have you ever had a season of life, or a circumstance where you felt like God just wasn’t around? Or maybe you faced a problem that was too big and you felt like you were all alone? Or maybe sin was so dark and present in your life or in the life of a loved one and you struggled to see the hand of God anywhere? If you haven’t ever felt that way, I’m so happy for you. I, on the other hand, have felt all of those things. Was God absent from my life? No way. He was right there, probably closer than I could have ever imagined. But in that darkness, I couldn’t see Him. I want to share with you what I learned in those times.

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Keep Your Eyes on the Shoreline - Cheryl Rodriguez

As the 3 of us were out there floating together, we all were holding onto each other’s float. I am not sure if it was because there was no one for miles, or if it was because I had never been to this beach before. Perhaps it was because we had our daughter with us, or because my husband had us all scared of sharks; but I caught myself starting to worry anytime I was facing the ocean instead of the shoreline. When I was facing the shore, I could see our mountain-high pile of beach things, and I would realize we were not far from the shore at all. I was comforted because I knew we were not drifting away. However, when I would turn and face the ocean, my fear would really kick in. I was worried about everything: were we too far out? What if we saw a shark? Would we be able to get back fast enough if something happened? Had we drifted from our spot? It was then that the Lord brought this thought to my mind:

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Working in The Rain - Wendy Robinson

Sometimes it rains big rains that make us want to curl up and hide from everything, or sometimes little rains that throw a wrench into our life plans. We all know that we have a big God who can do anything and if we are doing things the right way, we go straight to Him and ask Him to change or fix our storm. But the truth is, sometimes there isn’t a quick answer. Sometimes it even feels as though God has gone silent. We know He isn’t a heartless Father; but for more reasons than we can possibly know, sometimes the rain continues and no end seems to be in sight.

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The Benefits of Stillness - Sherri Roberson

Ladies, would you agree we are a busy people. The busyness of keeping house, cooking, taking kids to practices, church and the list could go on and on. If we aren’t careful the day will get away from us without giving any thought to God. I love the verse in Psalms 46:10. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. There are tremendous benefits of being still. When God created us He gave us five senses, I want to look at three of those senses. When we get to the place where we can be still there are some wonderful benefits.

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Combating Satan's Lies - Paula Rimes

“You’re not good enough.” “Are you sure they would even miss you if you were gone?” “God is being unfair to bring this trial into your life.” These, and countless more, are LIES that Satan whispers in our ears. In recent days, I’ve heard from several ladies and teen girls about how Satan is working on their thought life. As I listen, I am reminded of my own personal struggles with Satan whispering in my ear causing me to let my own mind run out of control with worry and fear. Lest we feel like we are alone in this struggle, we can go back to the very beginning of time and see how the Devil works.

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Now Unto Him That is Able - Robin Parton

When I saw my reflection for the first time in the bathroom mirror, out of shock I said, “I feel like a freak.” Immediately the Holy Spirit convicted me that my thinking was wrong, and I knew right then and there I was going to have to spend as little time as possible looking into a physical mirror and as much time as possible looking into the mirror of God’s Word.

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The Love of God - Danielle Palmer

Ladies, don’t we all just want to be loved? Is there anything better than knowing someone loves and accepts you? Isn’t it a delight to know that someone is eagerly waiting to spend time with you? Doesn’t it feel so safe when you can speak freely and know that the person to whom you are speaking is really hearing you and wanting what is best for you? Some ladies reading this today may say, “Amen” to these thoughts. Others may say, “I wouldn’t know. I have never felt that!” If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, you have a Heavenly Father who truly, deeply, and passionately cares for you just like that! Just imagine if we could really see and understand how much the Creator of the Universe loves us. I think we would be unstoppable! What could discourage us? What could possibly derail us? What could draw us away from Him if we were fully aware of His intense love? But why is it that some of us don’t feel that love from God as much as others? Is it because we are less lovable?

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