Posts tagged Thoughts
Is This Message for Me? - Janice Parker

Several years ago, my husband and I were counseling with a drug addict. The addict had messed up his life as well as his girlfriend’s life. I asked the addict if he had ever flown on a plane before? I then asked if he listened to the flight attendant as they make the statement, in regard to the oxygen masks, to make sure you have your mask on before you try to help those you are traveling with – the understanding is that you cannot help someone else with their oxygen mask if you are not taking in your own oxygen. Was that message for the other people on the plane? Or was that message for me?

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Disciplined Thoughts - Erica Koske

Don’t Worry. Let God know about it. Did you notice Paul didn’t counsel us to discuss our problems to

our mom, sister, or even our husband? Bring it to God in prayer first. This would solve a majority of

problems and save us from making others the dumpster of our thoughts. I love Claudia Barba’s study on

worry in her book, Refresh your Heart. She explains, “Worry is not an emotion. It is a thought process- a

process that you can, and must control, because worry is sin.” There is a difference between worrying

and thinking through a problem. When difficulties arise, Claudia Barba explains that “disciplined thought

moves in a straight line through a tangle of difficulties to possible solutions. Worry is a swirling tornado

of thoughts centered on a fear. They repeat themselves over and over, making you dizzy but

accomplishing nothing else.” Learning to control our thoughts is vital. Remember that your mom, sister,

or friends can’t change the situation, but God can!

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