Posts tagged Comparison
If the Shoe Fits - Amy Sapp

We may have a shared or common calling for ministry, but the way we carry it out may look different, based on the story God gave us personally.  

God called me to be a wife, homemaker, friend, encourager, conference speaker, and Sunday school teacher.  Daily, He is molding me in each of these areas.

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Contentment - Karen Caviness

Have you ever thought of how strange it must seem to God that we can go from one

holiday where we focus on being thankful for all the blessings that God has given us

straight into the next holiday, where our focus should be on the greatest gift ever

given; however, this is the time of year that many people seem to become

discontent. Sometimes it is discontentment because we think we won’t get that

special gift we have really been longing for. Or perhaps it’s not so selfish; our reason

for discontentment is because we don’t have the means to give the gifts we wish we


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