Posts tagged Rock
On What are you Building your House - Deanna Kokubun

It was September 26, 1987 when a 39 - week stillborn baby was delivered by a 19 year  old married young woman. This was her first child and the baby’s name would have been  Philip Thomas. She had thanked the Lord every doctor’s appointment for the opportunity  to have the child and had already given him to God for whatever His will might be for this  boy. Now all her and her husband would be able to do would be to grieve for and bury  him. But they were able to do so because God is good. Fast forward 27 years and her  second child, Norman Daniel, would pass away as the result of an accident he had while  serving the Lord as a missionary in foreign country.

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A Sure Foundation - Leighann Peoples

This was the foundation of their protection. Without girdling up the long garments they wore, they were not able to effectively fight. This thought brought out so much truth about making sure we are standing on the right foundation so that we can effectively fight this spiritual warfare we are in. We must make the Word of God our sure foundation if we are going to be strong and stand against the tactics of Satan.The Christians armor can not be their own sincerity and truthfulness but wholly governed by truth through the words of Jesus. The truth is a settled conviction that we know who we believe and what we believe. Jesus and His Word must be our sure foundation.Satan has created so much uncertainty and confusion, making it so hard to distinguish truths and untruths.

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