Posts in Peace of God
The Whole Earth is Full of the Lord - Janelle Dignan

“Look around you, read His story,

All of nature is revealing its Creator

Gaze in wonder, glimpse His glory

Come and behold, come and behold,

See your Maker.

The earth is full of His presence

All of nature, all creation speaks His word.

Every bird, every tree, every breath that we breathe,

Proves He is real, He is here,

He is Lord!!”

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Eve Was Deceived Are YOU?? - Ellie DeAnda

There are basically two voices in the world today. One is the lying voice of Satan and the other is the voice speaking truth through the Scriptures. In this new year 2020- choose to believe the truths that Jesus spoke about you and not the lies of Satan. We must know the difference between the enemies’ lies and God’s truth! Which leads me to say, we must know God’s Word! We must hide His word in our hearts!! The Bible clearly states that the Truth will set us free but we must have that Truth in our hearts and minds. We must combate lies with Truth. The truth is found in God's holy word....Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

James 1:19-20, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”

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Thankful - Abby Sapp

The alarm clock going off early in the morning,
just means that we get to live another day. The lady that sits behind you in
church and sings way off key just means that you are  able to hear. Clothes
that are getting a little to tight just means that you have plenty of food to fill
your belly. Hearing people complain about the government just means that we
have the freedom of speech. Windows to wash, floors to vacuum and furniture
to dust just means that the Lord has given you a house to live in and He has
provided for you and has given us things that although it's not always fun, need
to be cleaned

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This Is Not What I Expected - Joy Comer

I had three choices. 1. I could quit right there and go back home. 2. I could stay and complain that things weren't what I invisioned. 3. I could accept it for what it was and make the best of it. I chose number 3. I knew this was God's will for my life no matter if it was not my plan. How many times in life have we faced circumstances and said those words? "This is not what I expected!" In marriage, as a mom, as a daughter, at a job, as a friend, or even as a Pastors wife things don't go the way "we" plan.

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Help! Identity Crisis- Linda Gangemella

Then one day in December, 2016, at the age of 55, my beloved pastor husband died of cancer. The ministry job of being a pastor's wife which I had been almost my entire life suddenly ended. A pastor's/missionary's widow loses not only her husband, but the only pastor she has known for years, her title, her ministry, most likely her church, and often herself.

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He Sees YOU- Laurie Billings

He doesn't get mad because we are human, weak and fallible. He sees our weaknesses and loves us despite it. What I've learned is He actually shows Himself so much more during those moments with such a tender love. I had a night where I was crying and literally having some chest pains as I thought about our situation. I guess you could call it anxiety. This is something that I had never experienced before. It was scary. More than that I was pretty broken and feeling hopeless.

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Big Enough- Benita Reffe

You, my friend, are a Child of God. He is your Abba Father. Your Heavenly Papa. He is your friend and companion. Your shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. He is your guide and protection. He is your rock and un-shakable foundation. He is your never changing, never leaving, all knowing Father. The same one that laid down His life, out of love, for YOU!

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