Posts tagged 20/20 Vision
Your Ways Are Higher Than Mine - Anita Kelly

I am sure if we made a list of the "lows" of 2020, our lists would resemble (a pandemic, turmoil in our country, the election, so many deaths, church loss, etc), but at the same time we would each have our own additions that would differ from anyone else's list ( loneliness, fear, discouragement, personal loss, financial loss, etc.). These would include hard and difficult times that only WE experienced. As our hearts cried out to Him, it seemed at times like God just disappeared (though in our hearts we knew that He didn't). In my case, I truly believe God answered my prayer for that "20/20 Vision in 2020".

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This Is Not What I Expected - Joy Comer

I had three choices. 1. I could quit right there and go back home. 2. I could stay and complain that things weren't what I invisioned. 3. I could accept it for what it was and make the best of it. I chose number 3. I knew this was God's will for my life no matter if it was not my plan. How many times in life have we faced circumstances and said those words? "This is not what I expected!" In marriage, as a mom, as a daughter, at a job, as a friend, or even as a Pastors wife things don't go the way "we" plan.

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