Posts in Anxiety
Secret Garden - Amanda Rasbeary

Soil is the place where these truths develop roots and get the nourishment they need to become the plant intended it to be. This is a crucial part of growth in our life! It may require that we remove some things that are not good for tender plants. Sin is an obvious thing we should move. But what about those things that hold us back? Excuses and bad time management. It requires we add things that our plant needs. We may have to increase our faith, patience, love or longsuffering. But will cost us things time, treasure and talents. You will have to watch for weeds and pests that will kill your Secret Garden.

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Faith Trumps Fear - Virginia Harris

Fear is a very common human emotion. We can be happily going along our way when all of a sudden….Wham! Something happens, or a thought pops up in our mind, or we hear something…and instantly that spirit of fear grips our heart. Although, this is a very common emotion, this spirit is not of the Lord. I pray that these thoughts that have helped me when I am fearful will be a help to you.

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What in the World is Happening - Vicky Pope

Why can we not just rest in that? Do we think we can do a better job of figuring it out on our own? Do we think we can fix the problems better than He can? Or do we just prefer to wallow in our misery and seek pity from others? These are all the Devil’s ploys to keep us from being the peace-filled, powerful, and productive Christians God wants us to be.

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Keeping Focus - Sharon Rabon

What am I going to do about this situation? Is there anyone who can help me? What is going to happen? We often don’t know what to do or where to turn. We seek counsel, think about it nonstop, and we worry. We worry about how we were treated and what they deserve. We lose our focus on what we should be doing and become distracted by things that lead us away from our main purpose in life. We spend time telling a friend instead of telling our one Friend, Jesus.

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When God Rocks Your Boat - Danielle Pickering

Have you ever been in a storm? A bad storm? A storm that sends you running to the basement. A storm that you can feel the house shaking. There is no doubt those storms are terrifying. You have a healthy fear of those storms, as you ought.

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A Very Mary Response - Laura Pearson

One of the greatest characters in all of the New Testament had to be Mary, the mother of Jesus. I believe that some of the best characters to study from in Scripture are those, not necessarily with talent, wealth or fame – but with willingness. A servant’s heart goes a long way!

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Christmas Joy - Tiffany Moore

J- Jesus

Christmas is about Jesus coming to earth as a baby to save us from our sins. It’s not about having perfectly decorated tree or having all your presents wrapped in the same trendy paper. It’s not about the parties or caroling. It’s about remembering and recognizing Jesus. He came to earth so we can go to Heaven. He’s the reason for the entire season.

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They are Leaving, What Do I Do Now? - Sharon Monzo

Parts of me want to scream and say No! You can't leave me, but then God reminds me she has a whole life that she needs to live. I think, what if something happens to her, but then God reminds me, nothing happens without his approval, and He loves her more than I do. I think what if people are mean to her, but then God reminds me, they WILL be mean to her! There will be people all throughout her life that will be mean to her, They were mean to the nicest person to walk this earth! (Jesus) but He will comfort her and get her through it all. I think, but I will miss her, but then God reminds me, she was never mine to keep! I think, did I prepare her enough, but then God reminds me, you've done all that you can, it's between Me and her now. I think, then what should i do, but then God reminds me just pray for her and trust Me! So, that's what I'm doing! When I start to worry or get sad about my daughters all growing up and hitting these new chapters in their lives, I will just stay focused on the Lord and remember all the things God reminds me of!

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Do You Feel Like a Failure? - Melia Nickell

So, I stopped fighting. I knew I couldn't overcome it, and I was a failure at life. I didn't like going to church anymore. I would get there right when it started, and as soon as it ended I left. I didn't talk to my friends anymore because I didn't feel like I had any. The only person that knew somewhat of what was happening was my Mom. She tried to help me/keep me accountable. But I still failed, so much. There was a time when I would think about driving off the road, and crashing my car. Because I didn't care anymore.

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Under His Control - Joyce Kiefer

t’s easy to be afraid when things aren’t going the way we want them to go, but God is wherever

we are. Don’t let circumstances get in your way of trusting the Lord, but rather allow your

circumstances to be a way for you to trust the Lord. I’m sure some of you are thinking, “But,

you don’t know what I am going through” and you are right...I don’t; but, God does!! We don’t

need to be afraid of what is going on in our life; we just need to trust in God.

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Learning from Covid - Barb Jackson

God is sovereign and I know He allowed my husband and me to have Covid. He had a plan and a purpose. I prayed and thanked God for giving us Covid and that I believed it was His will. I admit it was a stretch for me to thank Him for Covid, but I knew I was to thank Him for all things. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” and Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” There is a song by Lynda Randle “God on the Mountain”. One of the verses says “You talk of faith, when you’re up on the mountain; But talk comes so easy, when life’s at its best; Now it’s down in the valleys, of trials and temptations; That’s where your faith, is really put to the test.”

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Fret Not - Misty Humble

2020 has been quite a year! We have seen fear quickly spread across the whole world causing churches, businesses , and schools to shut their doors. Cancellations of weddings, graduations, parties, vacations, family gatherings, funerals, and sporting events have become the “new normal.” Mandates, masks, gloves, sanitizing, and social distancing are overwhelming. Then throw into the mix savage fires, deadly hurricanes, mass rioting, and destruction of cities, statues, properties, and lives. Racial tension has soared. Political differences have been magnified. National dissension and unrest has accelerated. Fear and terror have swept the nation with a vengeance.

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Several years ago, my husband preached a message concerning “the name of the LORD”. He explained that the phrase, “the name of” was a way of saying “the character of”, or what that person is known for. It was not simply using that person’s name, but rather knowing that person’s character. This was eye-opening for me, and it transformed my life enabling me to repent of living a life filled with WORRY.

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Faint Not! - Virginia Harris

With the spreading of the coronavirus, it appears that there is trouble on every side. You may have lost a job or temporarily laid off. You or a family member may be sick with this virus or have some other health concern. You may have unexpectedly become a home school mom and feel unprepared or unqualified. At this point, your life may be only mildly inconvenienced, but you are desperately missing your church family, the privilege of assembling together, and are feeling spiritually weak. Though we may feel troubled on every side, God's Word says that we don't need to be distressed.

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There is Hope in Mental Illness - Jennifer Skaw

In order of prevalence, the five most common mental illnesses are

  • Anxiety Disorders: 48 million people annually

  • Major Depressive Disorder: 17.7 million people annually

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: 9 million people annually

  • Bipolar Disorder: 7 million people annually

  • Borderline Personality Disorder: 3.5 million people annually

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He Sees YOU- Laurie Billings

He doesn't get mad because we are human, weak and fallible. He sees our weaknesses and loves us despite it. What I've learned is He actually shows Himself so much more during those moments with such a tender love. I had a night where I was crying and literally having some chest pains as I thought about our situation. I guess you could call it anxiety. This is something that I had never experienced before. It was scary. More than that I was pretty broken and feeling hopeless.

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