Posts tagged Fret
Under His Control - Joyce Kiefer

t’s easy to be afraid when things aren’t going the way we want them to go, but God is wherever

we are. Don’t let circumstances get in your way of trusting the Lord, but rather allow your

circumstances to be a way for you to trust the Lord. I’m sure some of you are thinking, “But,

you don’t know what I am going through” and you are right...I don’t; but, God does!! We don’t

need to be afraid of what is going on in our life; we just need to trust in God.

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Fret Not - Misty Humble

2020 has been quite a year! We have seen fear quickly spread across the whole world causing churches, businesses , and schools to shut their doors. Cancellations of weddings, graduations, parties, vacations, family gatherings, funerals, and sporting events have become the “new normal.” Mandates, masks, gloves, sanitizing, and social distancing are overwhelming. Then throw into the mix savage fires, deadly hurricanes, mass rioting, and destruction of cities, statues, properties, and lives. Racial tension has soared. Political differences have been magnified. National dissension and unrest has accelerated. Fear and terror have swept the nation with a vengeance.

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Faint Not! - Virginia Harris

With the spreading of the coronavirus, it appears that there is trouble on every side. You may have lost a job or temporarily laid off. You or a family member may be sick with this virus or have some other health concern. You may have unexpectedly become a home school mom and feel unprepared or unqualified. At this point, your life may be only mildly inconvenienced, but you are desperately missing your church family, the privilege of assembling together, and are feeling spiritually weak. Though we may feel troubled on every side, God's Word says that we don't need to be distressed.

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