Posts in Dealing With Grief
Bitter Fruit - Kim Letson

I believe bitterness is something that most of us will deal with multiple times in our lives. Bitterness

always begins with unforgiveness. I have learned bitterness can be like a cancer if we do not deal with

it. It will eat away at our spirit and slowly decay your joy and happiness. Bitterness has a deep root and

many fruits. Its fruits may be anger, hate, disgust, sadness, loss of joy, and many other traits. What

generally happens is, we focus on cutting back these fruits, but never get rid of the root. Over time,

these fruits grow back and are often much stronger.

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Surviving and Thriving - Heather Higgins

Do you ever feel like you are just merely “surviving”? Have you ever heard of the statement “survival of the fittest”? Although I am well aware of the statements origin, and I am in complete dis-agreement with the thought process behind its meaning, the statement has always intrigued me. Years ago I began taking the original meaning of the coined saying and have often used the expression but I added my own “twist” to it. I developed a spiritual application for myself.

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Wanderer, Come... - Mistie Owens

Oh how I wish that was my life! I have wandered for much of it. Brokenly. Every repeat, reconciled moment with the Lord, I would rejoice in feeling close to Him, yet I would continue sojourning – spiritually never settling down, putting down roots with a home church, developing deep fellowships with other believers – and therefore never getting God's best for me. My growth was stunted, limited to solitary bible study and the occasional chat with a brother or sister in the faith, for much of my adult life. And I longed for the Lord, painfully so.

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Help! Identity Crisis- Linda Gangemella

Then one day in December, 2016, at the age of 55, my beloved pastor husband died of cancer. The ministry job of being a pastor's wife which I had been almost my entire life suddenly ended. A pastor's/missionary's widow loses not only her husband, but the only pastor she has known for years, her title, her ministry, most likely her church, and often herself.

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Everyone Has A Story- Susan Foote

On November 19, 2011, a young man attacked my husband with what was believed to be a baseball bat. He hit him in the back of the head, while he was out soulwinning. This landed him in ICU with traumatic brain injury. For 6 days he didn’t know anything. He had a blank stare in his eyes. The back of his head was squishy to the touch. Who attacks a preacher? I had never worried about him getting hurt on the job.

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