Posts in Life Changes
Let God Rule Your Garden - Kristie Valentin

Does your garden need some weeding?  We have this promise in I John 1:9, “But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  Through the power of our Comforter, the Holy Spirit, we can have the victory that God wants us to have.  And then we will honor our Saviour with fruit that reflects His character!

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In Your Season of Waiting - Katelyn Tyler

I remember the days as a teenager when my friends and I would be dreaming of our someday prince charmings and pinterest weddings. I remember feeling as if my prince would never come. I thought I would never get to do all the fun wedding things. People would always tell me “Katelyn just wait on the Lord”. I remember thinking to myself “Okay once I get married I’ll never have to wait on the Lord again”. I laugh at myself now because boy was I wrong. If we really think about it. We are all in some kind of season of waiting right now. You may be waiting for the Lord to bring you a spouse, waiting to find that perfect home for you and your family, waiting for a ministry opportunity you feel called to, waiting for God to give you children, or waiting for your loved one to be healed from a disease. These are just a few things you could be waiting on.  These are all things I have personally had to wait on.

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Showing up to Pray - Shannon Stiff

Early on a Thursday morning, I began to feel bad with a terrible headache, nausea and my  vision became blurred. I endured the symptoms for two days before deciding to go to urgent  care for some relief. The doctor there seemed perplexed and prescribed an antibiotic deciding  that it may be an inner ear infection. He advised me to see my primary care doctor on Monday.  On Monday, my doctor sent me to an ophthalmologist to determine the cause of my blurred  vision. The eye doctor told me the dreaded words that I never thought I would hear. He said I  had a stroke.

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Is Your Life on Cruise Control? - Rachel Strosnider

I began to realize that in life it can become easy to turn on “cruise control” and go through life doing our routines without thought of purpose. Dishes need washed, papers stack up, laundry piles need sorted, groceries need bought, family needs cared for, Sunday School lessons need studied, etc… 

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Have Courage! Be Bold! Live Brave! - Amy Sapp

Women in the Bible can offer us deep meaning and teach us! These women can teach us so much about-facing brokenness and hopelessness with courage even TODAY! They probably do not show up in VBS songs, or many Sunday School lessons. These women even today can teach us to live courageously, through difficult or even dangerous situations!

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Having Joy in the Ups and Downs of Life - Joy Sauceda

With a name like Joy, living up to my name has been a life-long challenge. People often ask

how I manage to maintain a positive attitude, and keep a smile on my face. I can assure you, it

can sometimes be quite difficult. It is rather easy to find joy when all is right with the world, and

everything in life is going according to our plan. However, the true challenge is, how can we

hold on to that Joy while navigating through life’s heartaches and stormy waters?

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Draw Nigh to God - Alison Higgason

I know that this is a familiar verse.  But if you really look at this verse you will see that God's being near to us requires and action on our part. We have to first draw nigh to God. This can be done in several ways: Prayer, reading God's Word, being faithful to church, just to name a few. It is easy to let the "stuff of life" get in the way of our walk with the Lord and the devil actually prefers it that way. In this story I am about to share with you is my personal experience of the Lord working and convicting me of my walk with Him.

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Keep Asking - Faith Thurmond

You see, I remember the times I prayed. When I was a teenager, I prayed for a husband. I asked God over and over to give me a husband. You see my dad pastored in a pretty bad part of Memphis, Tn and let’s just say there was no one around to marry. I even told my mom God won’t send anyone here for me to marry. You see, I did doubt that God could do it…maybe I didn’t doubt God could as much as I doubted that God would do it for me. I was discouraged, would God ever send me my future husband?

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Come Apart and Rest a Little While - Jean Sheaffer

In the hustle and bustle of life today, it's easy to get caught up in whirlwinds of tasks and responsibilities that constantly demand attention. We find ourselves running from one thing to another, sometimes barely taking a moment to transition properly. However, amidst the chaos and busyness that can easily overtake our lives, there is a timeless truth that our Lord Jesus shared with us, speaking directly from His loving heart: "Come apart and rest a little while."

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Placing "All of my Begs in One Ask It".... - Melody Decker

There was an old saying about trusting all one’s goods to one ship.  It was replaced with the phrase “Don't put all your eggs in one basket,” which is a proverb or idiom first recorded in 1710, that means you should not risk everything or depend entirely on a single thing or course of action. It advises against investing all your resources, time, or efforts in a single venture, as it leaves you vulnerable to failure or loss. If you gather all your eggs in a single basket, there is a potential danger of dropping the basket and losing everything you have worked diligently to obtain. In contrast, the proverb advises considering different options and distributing your eggs across multiple baskets, so you don’t find yourself in a desperate situation if one of your endeavors fails.

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In Him - Rebekah Smith

As we go through our lives and about our daily business doing all the right things, all the good things, are we living “in him”. It can be so easy to go into auto pilot. If we are not careful we can almost become robotic. Not intentionally, not even with a bad spirit, but we are doing all the things and checking off all the boxes of things to be done without giving our full attention or full spiritual awareness to them. Stop and think about it for a minute.

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Marvelous Mercy - Jennifer Smith

I don’t have to wallow in my imperfections. I trust in His mercy, because He has promised it to those to seek it, with a broken heart. My hero. The valiant defender of my heart. The Rock of my strength. How does He strengthen me spiritually? By being who He is. Lift your voice in praise, thank Him for who He is. Take His Word before Him! He loves and delights when we dare to take Him at His word. Mercy, marvelous mercy. He delights in me. Why? I can never answer that question because I know who I am. I challenge every lady reading this to read 3-5 Psalms a day. Repeat these verses out loud in your prayer time, He will take you to High places. Then, you too will sing and shout and in tearful words in prayer say, Marvelous Mercy! What a God I have! We don’t have to be perfect, just faithful. 

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Have a friend; Be a friend! - Marcella Smith

I desperately needed a flesh and blood friend; a person with skin on. I knew I had my wonderful Heavenly father, and I decided to never leave Him nor forsake Him nor blame Him no matter how bad my life seemed to me. But God also gives us a need for humans. During the whole ugly, crushing, debilitating process; I needed a friend. I was so very confused, devastated, and broken: I needed a friend!

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Jesus Paid It All - Alice Smith

I was an eighteen-year-old girl with no knowledge of the Bible, but that truth was clear to me that night as a soulwinner took me off into a room at the First Baptist Church of St. Clair, Missouri and explained to me that all the good things I was trying to do would never be enough for me to get to Heaven.

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