As Christian ladies, I know each one of us would like to hear the Lord say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” I wanted to encourage you today to stay faithful in these areas that I believe are important to the Lord, and also under so much attack from the devil in our current day and age. May I encourage you to:
Read MoreIt was September 26, 1987 when a 39 - week stillborn baby was delivered by a 19 year old married young woman. This was her first child and the baby’s name would have been Philip Thomas. She had thanked the Lord every doctor’s appointment for the opportunity to have the child and had already given him to God for whatever His will might be for this boy. Now all her and her husband would be able to do would be to grieve for and bury him. But they were able to do so because God is good. Fast forward 27 years and her second child, Norman Daniel, would pass away as the result of an accident he had while serving the Lord as a missionary in foreign country.
Read MoreMan’s opinions of what is acceptable have changed. The world once validated a women who was the keeper of the home, had moral purity, and upheld other things that Christians also valued. The world tells us we need to be one way while the word of God tells us to be another way. This is true from our gender to our demeanor. The opinions of man change, laws of what is acceptable change, and what is expected of people change. That's why I must have validation from the Lord.
Read MoreGuess what happened all week? Tons of flies rested on our screen door just waiting for it to open and shut. Unless we made an exit at lightning speed, the flies just zoomed in. One evening at bedtime, an incredible number of buzzing, black flies had accumulated inside the RV! They were on the ceiling, the furniture, and everywhere! I was not going to sleep with them inside, so we got out the vacuum cleaner! Using the hose, we turned the situation into a game and began counting. We sucked up almost 100 flies!!!
Read MoreA woman with HOPE is not afraid, because she knows God personally. She isn't afraid of the path that the Lord has called her to walk. She knows how to let go of her past hurts, forgive fully, and look forward to her future. She doesn't allow trials, struggles, and hardships get her bitter but better and stronger. She learns from her mistakes and is accountable for her actions.
Read MoreJael had protected her home. She was a Godly homemaker and unique warrior of sorts. She is an old testament picture of the Titus 2:3-5 woman. She had many wonderful qualities. She was a keeper at home. She was in her place where she could protect her most precious possession, her family. She was given to hospitality and Sisera knew she would open her home to him so he didn’t hesitate to hide safely in her tent.
Read MoreJust as we need to clean our homes, we need to keep our “temples” clean! The Bible says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19.
Read MoreBelonging- I Corinthians 6:20 “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” John 10:29 “My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.” Salvation guarantees us a permanent place in the family of God.
Read MoreLadies, we’ve all been there: someone has betrayed your trust or spoken words that cut to the heart. Perhaps it was a friend or family member. It may be a church member with whom you serve. Something went wrong somewhere. It could have begun with a misunderstanding or lack of communication. It could have been rooted in jealousy or contempt.
Read MoreBees have a (mostly) good reputation—they work really hard, ensure our veggies and flowers reproduce, and honey bees provide tasty honey. Women are also known for (mostly) being hard workers, ensuring future generations, and we can provide a certain level of sweetness to our homes. However, just like a bee can sting and cause pain, so can we ladies if we do things we shouldn’t.
Read MoreAs I was healing from my fall, I thought of some truths and lessons that events like this can teach us. In our spiritual lives, all of us have fallen more than once, and suffered varying injuries as a result. The key is to heal from the injury in the proper way.
Read MoreBut take heart! God has not forsaken you! He is there with you, and guess what! He is the only thing that never changes! Malachi 3:6 encourages us "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."
Read MoreDoes your garden need some weeding? We have this promise in I John 1:9, “But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Through the power of our Comforter, the Holy Spirit, we can have the victory that God wants us to have. And then we will honor our Saviour with fruit that reflects His character!
Read MoreI remember the days as a teenager when my friends and I would be dreaming of our someday prince charmings and pinterest weddings. I remember feeling as if my prince would never come. I thought I would never get to do all the fun wedding things. People would always tell me “Katelyn just wait on the Lord”. I remember thinking to myself “Okay once I get married I’ll never have to wait on the Lord again”. I laugh at myself now because boy was I wrong. If we really think about it. We are all in some kind of season of waiting right now. You may be waiting for the Lord to bring you a spouse, waiting to find that perfect home for you and your family, waiting for a ministry opportunity you feel called to, waiting for God to give you children, or waiting for your loved one to be healed from a disease. These are just a few things you could be waiting on. These are all things I have personally had to wait on.
Read More“In circumstances as dark as these... It becomes us as men and Christians to reflect that while every prudent measure should be taken to wart off impending judgements.”
Read MoreI began to realize that in life it can become easy to turn on “cruise control” and go through life doing our routines without thought of purpose. Dishes need washed, papers stack up, laundry piles need sorted, groceries need bought, family needs cared for, Sunday School lessons need studied, etc…
Read MoreIn order for us to grow in Christ; we need to
G- Get
R- Rid
O- Of Old
W-Ways and put into practice new ways!
Read MoreThere is usually more than one reason for why we do things. These reasons can be like building blocks upon each other, but we must not misplace our motive in the wrong building block as the foundation of our decisions. Ultimately, the Bible says our purpose is to bring glory to God, and making decisions in accordance with His Word is how this is accomplished.
Read MoreDid you ever give or receive one of those gifts that were several things all in one? Perhaps you did today. Maybe it was a pocket knife of some sort that also was a screwdriver, nail file, and scissors. If you are a golfer, maybe it was one of those multi-tools with a cleat tightener, stroke counter, brush, and club groove cleaner. Remember the commercials for a kitchen gadget that “dices and slices and makes julienne fries!” with the “But wait! There’s more!”?
Read MoreHowever, there are some responsibilities that come with this job. Not to burst your bubble, but a real princess here on earth does not get to lounge around and be pampered all day (though that would be really nice!). Nope, an earthly princess has appointments, school, planned-out schedules, friends that must go through background checks; and above all, they have a reputation to keep. This is a reputation that needs to be protected and clean just like we all have.
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