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One Decision - Celeste Woodard

As life ebbs and flows, the Lord allows a variety of events for us to personally experience. We live through joys  sorrows, losses, trials, victories, and defeats. It constantly changes with each passing season of life. Living  God’s way, the Bible way is the best way.  

However, what do you do when in the blink of any eye, our Pastor dies? All that is familiar is gone! Your  husband’s close companion gone. A thirty-three-year friendship and co-laborer gone. My children’s lifetime  mentor, prayer warrior, and encourager gone. All the blessings and direction our church has received because of  this one Godly man, GONE! 

I do not ascribe to man worship and the Lord Jesus Christ sits on the throne in my heart, but humanly speaking there is a HUGE hole left with the absence of our Pastor. What do you do in the midst of grief, loss, tending to the Pastor’s wife, her adult children, grandchildren and taking up the slack as an associate Pastor’s wife. The list  goes on and on. What do you do? How does a Christian equip themselves and manage life? 

The answer is simple because I do not have to wonder, or fret, or try to figure it out. It was settled 30+ years ago  at an altar. One decision made them all. I gave my heart to the Lord at teen camp as a 7th grader. I surrendered  my all and my will to him. I decided to be faithful to HIM as a teen. God did not die, just my Pastor. Prov. 20:6 “Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” I am, Celeste Woodard  I am going to be faithful. In the classroom of this world I am standing up, raising my hand, and calling out. Master! Me Lord, I want to be (am willing to be!) faithful. My ONE decision finalized my path. I allowed God  to be in control.  

This ONE decision equipped me to get up in the morning. Lam. 3:22-23 “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we  are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” I  did not have to question what to do next. Our wise Pastor prepared us for his death. I already purposed years  ago that no matter what challenges, I would still faithfully pray, read my Bible daily, love my family and church  family. I will not miss church or skip out of ministry. I will show up with determination. (Even if that means  showing up with blood shot eyes, and a hanky.) I will faithfully DO the next thing. I will take the next step, I  will breathe that next pray, and I will execute the next plan. I am going forward. I wanted the Lord to receive  honor from my life. Did I always respond correctly, no. At times did I let the flesh get the better of me,  absolutely! Through the Lord’s strength and HIS grace all the tasks in the future I can accomplish through Him.  It seemed daunting and unattainable at times how could we get through the next two weeks leading up to  Pastor’s funeral. An answer or solution would miraculously show itself. Then I would get a text or phone call  from one of the Pastor’s adult children telling me Mrs. Woodard we are praying for you. We love you, and know  you have so much on your plate we are lifting your name up in prayer. They had just lost their dad and they  were praying for ME, unbelievable! 

When ONE decision makes them all; I was then able to stand back and see God work. He worked out details,  and things fell into place. He had it all in control the whole time. It was hectic, exhausting, emotional, lonely,  wondrous, miraculous and I was able to see God’s hand in it all. We still sorely miss our Pastor and tears fell as  I relived memories while typing this. If I had been consumed by this loss and become self-absorbed; I would  have missed all the benefits, and all the blessings that were happening right in front of me. I was able to see  God’s handiwork accomplished. I love my husband’s motto during this time of loss and transition in the Lord’s  work. “It’s going be different, but it’s still going to be the same.” We lost our dear Pastor (different) but we still  have the Lord (same). Heb. 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

I am no brilliant scholar, or eloquent orator but I know God’s plan works. I still want to be faithful. We are not  cookie cutter Christians. God tailor-makes what each of us needs at the right time, in the right moment; and his system of delivery is mind blowing. I am awe struck at how he orchestrates our lives. One decision for Him has  directed and stabilized my life now for over 30 years.