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Disciplined Thoughts - Erica Koske

Read Philippians 4:1-9

A few years ago, I was teaching a kindergarten class when a boy in the back raised his hand and

expressed “Ms. Erica, you are so beautiful!” Wow, the power of those words! Throughout the day, my

44-year-old self, felt a little happier, more confident, and… a bit beautiful. The next day, I was bending

down at this little boy’s desk helping him with his handwriting when I caught a glimpse of his eyes gazing

at me. Quizzically he muttered, “Ms. Erica, you look different today.” I deflated as fast as air is let out of

a balloon. The Bible is truly accurate when it states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

Why were those words of a five-year-old so persuasive? Because I allowed myself to ponder them.

Our thoughts chart a course. We get in the car and ride wherever that road of thoughts lead. My

preacher often states, “the battle of the Christian life is the 6 inches between your ears.” If most women

are honest with themselves, they would admit that they don’t work at controlling their thoughts. I found

this especially true when my children were young. Most days when I woke up, I hit the ground running

with little thought of controlling my mind by being filled with the Holy Spirit. I would often let my

feelings of that day determine my decisions which quenched the Holy Spirit’s direction. If I was having a

bad day, I wouldn’t sign up for areas of service at church. But if it was a good day, I volunteered for

everything and then some. How often do you let the Holy Spirit guide you, or do you allow your feelings

to make your daily decisions?

In Phil. 4:2, we find Paul begging two women to be of the same mind in the Lord. Imagine being in

church when the Pastor reads a missionary letter that mentions you and the prickly lady at church. Not

only that, but he also starts begging you to be of the same mind in the Lord. I can almost feel the

thickness in the air! In the next several verses, Paul gives great counsel about disciplined thoughts. Let’s

look closer at these verses.


Notice God didn’t say rejoice in the circumstances. He does command us to rejoice in the Lord and to

rejoice, again! We are to rejoice in the Lord through our circumstances, and our thoughts of God should

be delightful thoughts. Failure to rejoice in the Lord, accuses God of making wrong decisions for our life.

In difficult circumstances, spend more time with Him because “…in thy presence is fulness of joy” Ps.



We are to have calmness of mind. Not all up in a tizzy, letting everyone know about our problems.

Carnal Christians make big out of little things, and spiritual Christians make little of big things. Life is 10%

what happens to us, and 90% how we respond to it. Disciplined thoughts produce a calm mind.


He is within reach. If we truly believe this, we won’t get all worked up.


Don’t Worry. Let God know about it. Did you notice Paul didn’t counsel us to discuss our problems to

our mom, sister, or even our husband? Bring it to God in prayer first. This would solve a majority of

problems and save us from making others the dumpster of our thoughts. I love Claudia Barba’s study on

worry in her book, Refresh your Heart. She explains, “Worry is not an emotion. It is a thought process- a

process that you can, and must control, because worry is sin.” There is a difference between worrying

and thinking through a problem. When difficulties arise, Claudia Barba explains that “disciplined thought

moves in a straight line through a tangle of difficulties to possible solutions. Worry is a swirling tornado

of thoughts centered on a fear. They repeat themselves over and over, making you dizzy but

accomplishing nothing else.” Learning to control our thoughts is vital. Remember that your mom, sister,

or friends can’t change the situation, but God can!


Disciplined thoughts bring God’s peace. Also, they keep your heart (feelings) and mind (thoughts)

through Christ Jesus. Refuse to worry. Refuse to complain. Refuse to get worked up about the problem.

The result will guard you against fear and panic. Quitting on God, leaving the church, or “going to

pieces” won’t be your desire when trouble comes – and it does come.


Finally, Paul gives us a list of things to think about. As I’m typing this out, this command seems so simple.

But why is it difficult to actually do? I think it’s because our untamed thoughts please the flesh, and we

enjoy brooding over the hurtful actions of others or our fears. When we entertain these pitiful thoughts,

it exalts self instead of God. Ladies, let’s start exalting God by thinking on things that are true, honest,

just, pure, lovely, and of good report.

What is the first thing on this list? TRUE THOUGHTS. “Jesus is the truth” according to John 14:6. In Ps.

119:160, the Bible states that “His words are true.” Our thoughts should be focused upon Him and His

Word. Only He can give us life more abundantly. You see, thinking about Jesus will bring life. Most of our

struggles are mere thoughts that aren’t even true. If we don’t learn to recognize lies and replace them

with the Word of God, our thoughts will direct our path into the hands of Satan. Paul knew that you can

never think wrong and do right.

The best way to have true thoughts is to meditate on scripture. Below are some lies of Satan. Learn to

recognize them and replace them with God’s Word.

I am not good enough- “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Ps 139:14

Nobody likes me – “We love him, because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

I am all alone – “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.” Ps 27:10

They are talking about me – Hold on right here…only 90% of what we perceive is true. Only God knows

everything. “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.” 1 John

3:20 Admit to yourself that you really don’t know what they are talking about.

I’m worried about… Read Matthew 6:19-34 Claudia Barba states, “When we tolerate worry, you are

showing that you do not believe He (God) tells the truth.”

When a hurtful or worrisome situation comes to your mind, whisper a prayer to Jesus. Tell Him how

much it hurts. Ask Him to help you respond with lovely thoughts towards the situation and the people

involved. Remind Him, “I already gave this to you, so please take it away from my mind.” Then, sing a

song about Him.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

I’ve got him on my mind.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

I’ve got him on my mind.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

I’ve got him on my mind.

Oh, I’ve got Jesus on my mind.

Try it! It Works.




You have about 6,000 thoughts a day! Girl, that is a lot of thoughts to keep in check. Because no one

sees our thoughts, consequently we fail to discipline them. Developing a habit to control them will take

moment by moment discipline. Learn to replace wrong thoughts with God’s thoughts. Disciplined

thoughts will take work, but that car ride will be joyful even if a little boy is reminding you of your age.