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What in the World is Happening - Vicky Pope

The world in general is in a state of disarray today. We all know and feel that. But what is happening in  YOUR world? Is it problems with health or finances? Is it struggles with thoughts and emotions that no  one else knows about? When your world seems to be turned upside down and you feel like you're just  barely surviving, do you wonder how you’ll have the peace and strength to carry on another day?  

I think we all find ourselves in that situation at times; but when God sends trial after trial, our faith  wears thin and our capacity to cope even thinner. The past few months have brought so many  unexpected changes into my life that I don’t even know what “normal” looks like anymore. I used to tell  myself, “Take one day at a time,” but lately it seems like I'm having to take just one hour or one minute  at a time! 

God has been teaching me that dwelling on what has happened in the past or what might happen in the  future is usually a waste of emotion and energy. As much as we’d like to, we can’t change the past or  know the future. The good news though is that the future is in our Lord’s all-knowing, all-powerful, and  all-caring hands. 

Why can we not just rest in that? Do we think we can do a better job of figuring it out on our own? Do  we think we can fix the problems better than He can? Or do we just prefer to wallow in our misery and  seek pity from others? These are all the Devil’s ploys to keep us from being the peace-filled, powerful,  and productive Christians God wants us to be.  

Don’t let your problems define you; rather let them REFINE you into a shining testimony of God’s grace  and a tool for His glory! Rest in His love and wisdom today, my friend!