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I've got JOY! - Sharon Smail

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! I just love this little chorus, and many mornings I sing it while I'm getting ready for the day! It always helps me to get my mind focused on joy instead of perhaps a situation going on in my life or the cares of this world. 

  1 Peter 1:13 tells us to "gird up the loins of your mind", which means to prepare your mind for action, disciplining yourself and having self control. It takes work and discipline to keep your mind and conduct pleasing to the Lord, but the benefits are too many to count!

   Some ways I find helpful to keep your mind "girded up":

   1. Do a word study through the Bible of words like joy, thankfulness, praise, your mind, etc. I know for me this is always helpful and just brings me joy reading these scriptures.

   2.  Surround yourself with friends that encourage you in the Lord and emulate a spirit of joy and gratitude. It has a way of rubbing off on you!

   3.   Sing to the Lord! The Bible gives us several verses about singing and praising the Lord in song! When you sing to the Lord, I'll guarantee it will bring joy to your spirit and will please the Lord as you sing unto Him! (Psalm 104:33-34)

   4. If you have a problem with negativity or ungratefulness, beg God to change your heart, and then put into action the 3 points above.  (this is the part I said earlier would take work! )

   Do you have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in YOUR heart? If can!