"Consumed" - Rayana Dignan

The Lord has been speaking to my heart lately about this subject and I hope it can be a blessing to someone. The word consumed has many definitions but the one I am talking about means to engage fully! So many Christians are great people. Perhaps they are faithful members of a good church, they tithe, they love God and have a good heart, yet there are so many who are not CONSUMED with Jesus!

As I look around at our country and see constant devastation, negativity, hurting people, an insane and warped government who desperately needs Jesus, I could go on and on... I can’t help but think how our country would look if only we had a generation of people who were truly consumed with the things of the Lord!

My friend, Satan is attacking now more than ever! As Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” If he can’t get your soul, he will try to destroy and wreck your life! Of course, you are thinking, “I go to church. I am saved! I am a member of the choir. I love my husband. I have a good family.” Although Satan may not be “destroying” your life with things such as drugs, alcohol, impurity, etc., he sure can use things like apathy and complacency as a big distraction in your Christian life and your walk with God. Are you complacent? Does your heart break over lost souls? Do you rejoice over the things of the Lord? Do you walk with God each and every day? Do you love your church? Do you have a desire to tell others about Jesus?

You see, someone who is CONSUMED with God is looking for ways to serve Him! The more time you spend with Jesus, the more you realize how EASY it is to be consumed with Him! Psalms 34:8 says “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” God is SO GOOD! When you focus on all His blessings, you just can’t help but be moved! Yes, it may be tough to see the declining of our country and to see so much evilness and wickedness endorsed in our society, but now more than ever we NEED Christian’s who are willing to stand up and get past their bitterness, past their apathy, past their constant complaining, past their “life’s so hard” mentality and FULLY BE CONSUMED with Christ and DESIRE to be different from the world!!! Yes, there are tough times. Yes, we will have struggles, but we have to focus on Jesus and realize that we GET to have a relationship with the King of king’s and Lord of lord’s! Not only that, but HE desires a relationship with us! He is faithful and will never leave us or forsake us!

Praise the Lord for all His blessings! He is powerful! He is sovereign! He is just! He is loving! He is strong! He is good! He is merciful! He is omnipotent! He is WORTHY! Today I ask you---are you a Christian? If so, are you fully CONSUMED with your Jesus?