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Big Enough- Benita Reffe

There was a day not long after the start of 2019 that I just felt defeated and discouraged (this always seems to happen when I'm doing dishes... can I get an "amen"?). I was just so overwhelmed with the weight of my little world on my shoulders. I just had so much to do and the list just seemed to keep growing by the minute. I vividly remember staring at my pile of dirty dishes and just bursting into tears.

You see, as women, we have a lot on our plates. We are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and friends. We are housekeepers, chefs, baby keepers and spouses. We are teachers, encouragers and examples. We are Pastors wife's, nursery workers, Sunday School teachers and piano players. We kiss boo-boo's, make lists and go grocery shopping. We're the chauffer, laundress and diaper changers. We wipe away tears, play games and organize chaos. We pay bills, plan vacations and work jobs. We run Bible studies, carry the burdens of others and crack jokes to make someone smile. We are cheerleaders, sooth, and function on little sleep. We soothe the scared, comfort the sad and fill in the gaps. We are warriors of God.

And while it should never be a burden to care for your family or to serve the Lord, there are those overwhelming times that we all go through. It's those times when we are standing back and looking at the big picture and not seeing how God is helping us get through day by day.

Here's the thing. You, my friend, are a Child of God. He is your Abba Father. Your Heavenly Papa. He is your friend and companion. Your shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. He is your guide and protection. He is your rock and un-shakable foundation. He is your never changing, never leaving, all knowing Father. The same one that laid down His life, out of love, for YOU! The same one that created the world and all that is in it, decided that the world needed a you! It is just so amazing to me, that out of everything the Lord has to keep track of, I am still on His radar.

That disastrous day I mentioned at the beginning, where I was basically washing my dishes with my tears, I had two songs come on my play list that only God could have arranged. The song "Big Enough" by The Clark Family and "He Knows My Name" by The Rochester Family. The second verse to "Big Enough" goes like this:

"There are days when the shadows of doubt make me feel small. I declare that I don't stand in my own strength at all, cause I don't live a day You didn't plan, every single moment is in Your hands. Even if the whole world shakes You're the Rock on which I stand."

Chorus: "So when it seems it can't be done, I know God is Big Enough. I can run the race I'm called to run cause I know God is Big Enough. He'll finish everything He starts, He'll meet us right here where we are. And I can feel faith rising up, Cause I know God is Big Enough."

Let me tell ya'll, after this song reminding me to give all my cares and frustrations over to the Lord, I just felt so much lighter and way more positive. We don't have to go through this life alone. The shoulders of Jesus are broad enough to help bear your burdens, no matter how big or small. It could be anything! And God will not turn His back to you and say "Sorry, not today. That's just too big for me." I promise, that God will NEVER say that to you!

1 Peter 5:7 says " Casting all your care upon Him; for he careth for you."

The Bible tells you to cast your cares upon Him! He does not want us to bear our burdens alone, He WANTS to be wanted and needed by us. If He didn't, then our lives would be perfect. And I can testify that life certainly is not perfect.

Psalm 30:10-12 says "Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.

Not only will God hear us and help to bear our burdens, but He has a plan in place to change our circumstances and attitudes around! What a thought. He not only sees our problems but He has solutions for them! I don't know about you, but I find that to be very encouraging!

So, in conclusion, just know this. The God who created the mountains, seas and galaxies, knows YOUR name and is big enough to help you through your troubles, trials and daily life.

You are loved and never forgotten. ❤️