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Seasoned With Salt - Missy Cogley

I love salt. I really enjoy it. I love how it makes the flavor of the food become bright and
intensifies it. Salt also makes the food have flavor when there is not much flavor there. Salt
preserves food so that you can enjoy it at a later time. Salt is a mineral that is essential for life in
general and it satisfies one of the basic human tastes. Salt was used in an ancient Hebrew
agreement to seal a covenant with God and they sprinkled their offerings with it to show their
trust in Him. So as you can see salt is important. It is mentioned many times in the word of
As a teenage young lady I heard a preacher sing a song from Colossians 4:6, “Let your speech be
alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” I
sang this song over and over as a teenager, yet I didn’t really understand the full meaning of it. I
knew that God was asking us to use grace(God’s undeserved merit) when we spoke, but I didn’t
quite understand the meaning of seasoning it with salt. As I meditate on this thought from the
word of God I have tried to apply it to my life through the years. I work in the ministry with
people that need words of grace. I know they need words that will encourage them and lift their
spirits. I realize that they need God’s wisdom with difficult life situations. Their hurts are real
and they need to be soothed with words from a loving friend. Words of grace that might even
sting a little, but give instruction and guidance from the Bible. I understand that grace has many
facets, but why would we need to apply salt? Why seasoned with salt? Our words can help what
we say taste better, stay longer and have more influence.I was really upset one day that a babysitter called off at the last minute. I was so frustrated (You
and I both realize that anger was the Biblical term to what I was feeling)! I couldn’t believe that
she called off and to go to some silly function. In my mind that was definitely wrong. The young
lady had called me on my cell phone and explained that she could not babysit for me and I had
hung up the phone and by accident I had pocket dialed her back. Of course, I was in the middle
of venting to someone else about this young lady’s cancellation. It had gone to voice mail and
had recorded my entire rant. Her mother called me later to tell me about the what had
happened. I was so ashamed. I had lost my influence and shamed my Saviour. Wow! What a
lesson right? I was probably right in what I was saying, but it didn’t need to be said or spoken to
the other person.
All of the words that I spoke about that young lady were harsh and spoken in anger and unkind.
The Bible says,”The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” I knew that what I
had said did not help or show grace to that young lady and it was probably preserved in her mind
forever as unkind and unChristlike. I prayed for forgiveness and then I try to remember this
experience when I get angry.


The word of God gives us instruction:
1. The words we speak affect us and the person we are speaking to. Think of some words that
will help us turn away our wrath. Speak softly, Proverbs 15:1, “ A soft answer turneth away
wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
2. Think of words that would instruct and encourage. Think before we speak. Proverbs 15: 28, “
The heart of the righteous studied to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil
3. Pray before we speak and ask the Lord for the right words. Proverbs 16:1, “The preparations
of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord.”
4. Words that are spoken can heal relationships or tear them down. Words also affect our health.
Proverbs 16:24, “ Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the
5. If we withhold our opinion it will affect how others think of us. Proverbs 17:28, “Even a fool,
when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of
6. If we do not control our tongue it reveals what is in our hearts, “If any man among you seem
to be religious, and bridle this not his tongue, but deceive the his own heart this man’s religion is
vain.” James 1:26
7. Our words reveal our spiritual maturity. James 3:2. “For in many things we offend all. If any
man offend not in word the same is a perfect (mature) man, and able also to bridle the whole
Whoever said that,”Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” They
were crazy !!!!! Words do hurt, condemn, wound, belittle or they can heal, encourage, and build.
I want my words to be remembered with love. How about You?